
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
سينتيك افت رطوبت ومقايسه كيفيت ورقه هاي گوجه فرنگي درمرحله خشك شدن با سه روش خورشيدي آفتابي سنتي و هواي خشك NULL 1388 01 Journal
تعيين ضريب نفوذ رطوبت در پنير سفيد ايراني طي مرحله آب نمك گذاري NULL 1388 01 Journal
اثر دما و زمان فرايند حرارتي بر خواص كيفي كنسرو زيتون سبز 1387 07 Conference هجدهمين كنگره ملي علوم و صنايع غذايي
مدلسازي رياضي سينتيك خشك كردن لايه نازك پسته با استفاده از خشك كن كابينتي 1387 07 Conference هجدهمين كنگره ملي علوم و صنايع غذايي
تعيين ضريب نفوذ نمك و رطوبت در طي نمك پاشي خشك پنير سفيد توليد شده به روش اولترافيلتراسيون 1386 08 Conference هفدهمين كنگره ملي صنايع غذايي كشور
Two-stage freezing of part baked breads application and optimization NULL 1386 07 Journal
Examining crust problems of frozen bread NULL 1385 05 Journal
Effect of high-pressure processing on the mechanical and barrier properties of selected packagings NULL 1385 05 Journal
Effective moisture diffusivity and water activity of frozen part baked bread NULL 1384 10 Journal
Extraction of pectin from sunflower heads and studying of its functional properties NULL 1384 01 Journal
Simulation of coupled heat and mass transfer during freezing of a porous humid matrix NULL 1383 06 Journal
Thermophysical properties evolution of French partly baked bread during freezing NULL 1383 05 Journal
Heat and mass transfer in par baked bread during freezing NULL 1383 03 Journal
Transport properties of a high porosity model food at above and sub-freezing temperature. Part 1) Thermophysical properties and water activity NULL 1383 02 Journal
Transport properties of a high porosity model food at above and sub-freezing temperature. Part 2) Evaluation of the effective moisture diffusivity from drying data NULL 1383 02 Journal
Effective thermal conductivity of a high porosity model food at above and sub-freezing temperatures NULL 1382 08 Journal
Effective thermal conductivity evolution as a function of temperature and humidity during freezing of a high-porosity model food. NULL 1381 01 Journal
The acidification effect of crushed tomatoes on the quality of tomato paste 1377 03 Conference همايش و نمايشگاه بزرگ صنايع غذايي كشور
Crystallization phenomenon in concentrated sour cherry juice 1377 03 Conference همايش و نمايشگاه بزرگ صنايع غذايي كشور