تاثير كرايوپرتكتانت، آنزيم ترانسگلوتاميناز و سرعت دور هموژنايزر در ريزپوشينه كردن روغن بزرك به روش توده اي شدن مركب |
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Comparison of Some Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Farsi Gum and Other Rosaceae Plant Gum Exudates |
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Effect of acidification rate acidification temperature final pH and stabilizer content on colloidal stability of whey-based pomegranate beverage |
10.1080/01932691.2016.1141360 |
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Oil-In-water Emulsions Stabilized by Whey Protein Aggregates Effect of Aggregate Size and pH of Aggregation and Emulsion |
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Improving the emulsifying properties of beta-lactoglobulin-wild almond gum (Amygdalus scoparia Spach) exudate complexes by heat |
10.1002/jsfa.7741 |
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Effect of glycosylation with gum Arabic by Maillard reaction in a liquid system on the emulsifying properties of canola protein isolate |
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Preparation of chemically modified canola protein isolate with gum Arabic by means of Maillard reaction under wet-heating conditions |
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ريزپوشينه كردن روغن بزرك و بررسي خصوصيات حسي و فيزيكوشيميايي شير غني شده با آن |
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Fractionation and some physicochemical properties of almond gum (Amygdalus communis L.) exudates |
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Fabrication of electrospun almond gum/PVA nanofibers as a thermostable delivery system for vanillin |
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Effect of whey protein concentrate pH and salt on colloidal stability of acid dairy drink (Doogh) |
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A study on the release kinetics and mechanisms of vanillin incorporated in almond gum/ polyvinyl alcohol composite nanofibers in different aqueous food simulants and simulated saliva |
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Crystalline structure and morphological properties of porous cellulose/clay composites The effect of water and ethanol as coagulants |
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مهاجرت آلومينيوم از بسته بندي هاي نيمه منعطف به خوراك مرغ ايراني و شبه غذاها پس از فرايند حرارتي و در طي نگهداري |
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Stability assessment of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) oil-in-water beverage emulsion formulated with acacia and xanthan gums |
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Effect of Polymer Concentration and Acidification Time on Olive Oil Microcapsules Obtained by Complex Coacervation |
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توليد مايونز با چربي كاهش يافته با استفاده از كمپلكس هاي الكترواستاتيكي و كووالانسي بتالاكتوگلوبولين و صمغ فارسي |
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Structural and mechanical properties of clay nanocomposite foams based on cellulose for the food-packaging industry |
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بهبود ويژگي هاي امولسيون كنندگي صمغ فارسي (Amygdalus scoparia Spach ) از طريق ايجاد كمپلكس كووالانسي با بتالاكتوگلوبولين |
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Microencapsulation of Ubiquinone Using Complex Coacervation for Functional Yoghurt |
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