بهينه سازي هيدروليز آنزيمي آب پنير و كاهش ميزان اسيدآمينه فنيل آلانين با استفاده از فيلتراسيون غشايي |
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Effect of surface-modified montmorillonite on viscosity and gelation behavior of cellulose/NaOH solution |
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Evaluation of biopolymer-based emulsion for delivering conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as a functional ingredient in beverages |
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Application of Cellulosic Nanofibers in Food Science Using Electrospinning and Its Potential Risk |
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beta- lactoglobulin-Angum Gum (Amygdalus scoparia Spach) Complexes Preparation and Emulsion Stabilization |
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Nanoporous cellulose nanocomposite foams as high insulated food packaging materials |
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Emulsifying properties of Angum gum (Amygdalus scoparia Spach) conjugated to Beta-lactoglobulin through Maillard-type reaction |
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Physical and Rheological Properties of Oil in Water Heat Stable Emulsions Made from Different Stabilizers |
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Interactions among Lactose beta-lactoglobulin and Starch in Co-lyophilized Mixtures as determined by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy |
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Design and characterization of astaxanthin-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers |
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Rheological and physical properties of yogurt enriched with phytosterol during storage |
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اثر زانتان، مونو و دي گليسيريد و رقم برنج بر ويژگي هاي فيزيكي و حسي كنسرو آن در طي نگهداري |
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Rheological Characteristics of Yogurt Enriched with Microencapsulated Fish Oil |
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EDTA and alpha-tocopherol improve the chemical stability of astaxanthin loaded into nanostructured lipid carriers |
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Effect of modified whey protein concentrate on physical properties and stability of whipped cream |
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Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Sterilizing Value Evaluation during Caviar Pasteurization |
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مدل سازي پديده هاي درگير در رسيدن پنير سفيد توليد شده به روش فراپالايش پس از نمك پاشي |
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Microencapsulation of Calcium Using Water in Oil in Water Double Emulsion method |
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Physicochemical properties of calcium fortified soymilk with microencapsulated and chelated calcium salt |
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بررسي خصوصيات فيزيكوشيميايي و حسي نوشيدني شير-آب انار در طي دوره نگهداري |
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