
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Yield Response of Corn to Single and Combined Application of Cattle Manure and Urea # Journal
Nickel supplementation effect on the growth urease activity and urea and nitrate concentrations in lettuce supplied with different nitrogen sources # Journal
The role of organic and inorganic fractions of cow manure and biosolids on lead sorption # Journal
Effects of zinc activity in nutrient solution on uptake translocation and root export of cadmium and zinc in three wheat genotypes with different zinc efficiencies # Journal
Effect of dynamic unequal distribution of salts in the root environment on performance and Crop Per Drop (CPD) of hydroponic-grown tomato # Journal
Micronutrient status of calcareous paddy soils and rice produts implication for human health # Journal
Mobility and plant-availability of Cd(II) and Pb(II) adsorbed on zeolite and bentonite # Journal
Relationships between fruit mineral nutrients concentrations and some fruit quality attributes in greenhouse cucumber # Journal
Health risks of heavy metals through consumption of greenhouse vegetables grown in Central Iran # Journal
Grain zinc iron and copper concentrations of wheat grown in central iran and their relationships with soil and climate variables # Journal
Zinc nutrition effect on the tolerance of wheat genotypes to Fusarium root-rot disease in a solution culture experiment # Journal
Using stress tolerance indicator (STI) to select high grain yield iron-deficiency tolerant wheat genotypes in calcareous soils # Journal
Micronutrient-efficient genotypes for crop yield and nutritional quality in sustainable agriculture. A review # Journal
Germination and Growth of Selected Plants in a Petroleum Contaminated calcareous soil # Journal
Influence of additional micronutrient supply on growth nutritional status and flower quality of three rose cultivars in a soilless culture # Journal
Salinity effect on concentration uptake and relative translocation of mineral nutrients in four olive cultivars # Journal
Daily intake of heavy metals and nitrate through greenhouse cucumber and bell pepper consumption and potential health risks for human # Journal
Critical soil zinc deficiency concentration and tissue iron zinc ratio as diagnostic tool for prediction of zinc deficiency in corn # Journal
Using Acid-washing Leachates of Ground Tire Rubber and its Ash as a Zinc Source for Hydroponics-grown Tomato # Journal