
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Residues of Zinc-Hyperaccumulator Plants as Zn Fertilizer Conference
Zinc bioavailability of foods in arid agroecosystems - A case study in Iran Conference
Effects of Crop Residues on Zinc Bioavailability in Soil and in Wheat Grain Conference
Nickel and mercury human health risk assessment in Hamedan Province Iran Conference
Using Artificial Neural Network to Select Appropriate Agronomic Practices for Biofortification A Case Study in Iran Conference
Effect of soil and foliar application of zinc on grain zinc and cadmium concentrations of wheat genotypes differing in Zn-efficiency Conference
The ability of natural zeolite on control the cadmium concentration of sludge sewage and rose residual compost Conference
Wheat grain concentration of zinc and its relationship with soil and climate parameters in mediterranean soil of central Iran Conference
Zinc nutrition in Iranian population Conference
Heavy metal concentration in greenhouse vegetables Risk for human health Conference
Using waste tire extracts as zinc source for hydroponic grown tomato Conference
Screening wheat genotypes for zinc and iron efficiency using stress tolerance index (STI) under field condition Conference
Lead fractionation in soil as affected by organic and inorganic amendments Conference
Zinc release kinetics in a calcareous soil treated with waste tire ash and powder as alternatives to Zn fertilizers Conference
Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil using landfarming technique influence on soil biological and chemical properties Conference
Physiolgical responses of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) to salinity and copper nutrition in a nutrient solution Conference
Analysis of the regional-scale influence of agricultural ecosystem parameters on zinc concentrations of soil and rice grains using regression methods Conference
Lead uptake by wheat and corn as affected by application of Pb(NO3)2 and Pb-enriched cow manure and sewage sludge Conference
Risk assessment of lead cadmium chrome and nickel for human health through consumption of greenhouse cucumber and bell pepper Conference
Heavy metal concentration in greenhouse vegetables Impact on human health Conference