Copper Effects on Growth Lipid Peroxidation and Total Phenolic Content of Rosemary Leaves Under Salinity Stress
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Effect of salinity and zinc on physiological and nutritional responses of rosmemary
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Combined Effect of Zinc and Cadmium Levels on Root Antioxidative Responses in Three Different Zinc-Efficient Wheat Genotypes
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Classification of wheat genotypes by yield and densities of grain zinc and iron using cluster analysis
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Synthesis of Iron-Amino Acid Chelates and Evaluation of Their Efficacy as Iron Source and Growth Stimulator for Tomato in Nutrient Solution Culture
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Mineral and ascorbic acid concentrations of greenhouse- and field-grown vegetables Implications for human health
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Critical Deficiency level of Zinc for Corn on Calcareous Salt-Affected Soils in Central Iran
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Effect of Silicon Nutrition on Oxidative Stress Induced by Phytophthora melonis Infection in Cucumber
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Effect of boron and calcium on growth and quality of EASY LOVER cut rose
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Bacterial inoculation speeds zinc release from ground tire rubber used as Zn fertilizer for corn and sunflower in a calcareous soil
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Landfarming Process Effects on Biochemical Properties of Petroleum Contaminated Soils
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Health Risk Assessment of Fluoride Exposure in Soil Palnts and Water at Isfahan Iran
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Natural zeolite reduces salinity and heavy metal availability of compost produced from sewage sludge-rose residue mixture
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Influence of organic and inorganic zinc sources on zinc availability in soil and its uptake by barley
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Reclamation of a petroleum-contaminated calcareous soil using phytostimulation
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Effects of sewage sludge animal manure compost and cadmium chloride on cadmium accumulation in corn and alfalfa
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Crop effects on lead fractionation in a soil treatd with lead organic and inorganic sources
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Transport of zinc copper and lead in a sewage sludge amended calcareous soil
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Effects of zinc activity in nutrient solution on uptake translocation and root export of cadmium and zinc in three wheat genotypes with different zinc efficiencies
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