Bioavailability of coated and uncoated ZnO nanoparticles to cucumber in soil with or without organic matter
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Physiological effects of repeated foliar application of magnetite nanoparticles on maize plants
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Growth quality and physiological characteristics of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) cut flowers in response to different NO3 NH4 ratios
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Physiological characteristics of Plantago major under SO2 exposure as affected by foliar iron spray
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Fractionation and bioavailability of zinc (Zn) in the rhizosphere of two wheat cultivars with different Zn deficiency tolerance
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Root uptake and xylem transport of cadmium in wheat and triticale as affected by exogenous amino acids
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Response of wheat genotypes to foliar spray of ZnO and Fe2O3 nanoparticles under salt stress
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Plasma membrane ATPase and H+ transport activities of microsomal membranes from wheat roots under Ni deficiency conditions as affected by exogenous histidine
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Effects of nickel on zinc uptake and translocation in two wheat cultivars differing in zinc efficiency
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Influence of foliar-applied zinc in the form of mineral and complexed with amino acids on yield and nutritional quality of onion under field conditions
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The Effect of Cadmium Toxicity and Silicon Supplementation on the Activity of Antioxidative Enzymes and the Concentration of Zinc and Iron in Hydroponically Grown Cucumber
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Antioxidative response of olive to air emissions from tire burning under various zinc nutritional treatments
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Effects of foliar spray of two kinds of Zinc Oxide on the growth and ion concentration of sunflower cultivars under salt stress
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Phytoavailability of Lead (Pb) for Corn and Sunflower as Affected by Pb-enriched Sewage Sludge and Cow Manure
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Effect of Foliar Spray of Zinc Oxide on Some Antioxidant Enzymes Activity of Sunflower under Salt Stress
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Agronomic and economic efficiency of ground tire rubber and rubber ash used as zinc fertilizer sources for wheat
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Changes in the chemical properties and swelling coefficient of alfalfa root cell walls in the presence of toluene as a toxic agent
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The Effect of Air Pollution on Leaf Iron (Fe) Concentration and Activity of Fe-Dependent Antioxidant Enzymes in Maple
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The effectiveness of seed priming with synthetic zinc-amino acid chelates in comparison with soil-applied ZnSO4 in improving yield and zinc availability of wheat grain
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Subcritical soil hydrophobicity in the presence of native and exotic arbuscular mycorrhizal species at different soil salinity levels
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