
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Wave Filtering and State Estimation in Dynamic Positioning of Marine Vessels Using Position Measurement NULL 1394 09 Journal
Adaptive Force-Environment Estimator for Manipulators Based on Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network NULL 1394 09 Journal
A Time Delay Controller Included Terminal Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Gain Tuning for Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems NULL 1394 07 Journal
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Active Vibration Control of a Cylindrical Shell using Piezoelectric Disks NULL 1394 05 Journal
Investigation of ultrasonic-assisted wire electrical discharge turning based on single discharge analysis NULL 1393 08 Journal
Adaptive Hybrid Force/Position Control of Robot Manipulators using an Adaptive Force Estimator in the Presence of Uncertainty NULL 1393 07 Journal
A new hybrid intelligent control algorithm for a seven-link biped walking robot NULL 1393 06 Journal
Development of multi-phase dynamic equations for a seven-link biped robot with improved foot rotation in the double support phase NULL 1393 03 Journal
Optimal locations and orientations of piezoelectric transducers on cylindrical shell based on gramians of contributed and undesired Rayleigh-Ritz modes using genetic algorithm NULL 1392 11 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Low frequency radiation modes of cylindrical shells based on system spatial decomposition 1394 05 Conference the 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering ( inter-noise 2015 )
Structural Acoustic Sensing for Cylindrical Shells Using Accelerometers and Structural Acoustic Sensing for Cylindrical Shells Using Accelerometers and Structural Acoustic Sensing for Cylindrical Shells Using Accelerometers and Structural Acoustic S… 1394 02 Conference KSNVE 2015 Annual Spring Conference
اهميت و جايگاه ربات ها در كشاورزي نوين 1393 12 Conference دومين همايش ملي مهندسي و مديريت كشاورزي، محيط زيست و منابع طبيعي پايدار
Adaptive Feedforward Controller for Active Vibration Control of a Cylindrical Shell Using Piezoelectric Patches 1393 09 Conference 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration
Virtual Leader-Follower Formation Control of Multi Quadrotors by using Feedback Linearization Controller 1393 07 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics ( ICROM 2014 )
Optimize path planning of a planar parallel robot to avoid obstacle Collision using genetic algorithm 1392 11 Conference دوازدهمين كنفرانس سيستم هاي هوشمند ايران
Dynamic Analysis and Control Synthesis of a Spherical Wheeled Robot (Ballbot) 1391 11 Conference First RSI/ISM International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics(ICRom 2013)
Autonomous Parallel Parking of a Vehicle in a Limited Space Using a RBF Network and a Feedback Linearization Controller 1391 07 Conference 2nd International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering
كنترل مود لغزشي فازي رفتار AUV در صفحه قائم 1390 12 Conference سومين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي برق ايران
مدل سازي فازي تاكاگي-سوگنو AUV در صفحه قائم 1390 12 Conference سومين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي برق ايران