A dynamical system analysis of f(R T) gravity |
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Weyl holographic superconductor in the Lifshitz black hole background |
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Quantum correlations in non-inertial cavity systems |
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Entanglement thermodynamics of the generalized charged BTZ black hole |
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Extrinsic and intrinsic curvatures in thermodynamic geometry |
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Non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm effect with the time-dependent gauge fields |
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The effect of electron and gamma irradiation on the quality of surface and reflection of silver mirror coated by TiO2 and Ta2O5 |
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Entanglement of arbitrary spin modes in expanding universe |
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Hessian matrix specific heats Nambu brackets and thermodynamic geometry |
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Generalized entropies and the expansion law of the universe |
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Entanglement generation due to the background electric field and curvature of space time |
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Generalized Ehrenfest s equations and phase transition in black holes |
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بررسي شكافتگي كوچك و ديگر تكينگيهاي آيند عالم و برقراري قانون دوم ترموديناميك در نظري FR |
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Decoherence speed limit in the spin-deformed boson model |
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Quantum teleportation with nonclassical correlated states in noninertial frames |
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Quantum correlations of helicity entangled states in non-inertial frames beyond single mode approximation |
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Two-parameter entropies Sk r and their dualities |
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Phase transitions of hairy black holes in massive gravity and thermodynamic behavior of charged AdS black holes in an extended phase space |
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Entanglement generation by electric field background |
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