
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Late time dynamics of f(R, T, R??T ??) gravity # Journal
Geometrothermodynamics as a singular conformal thermodynamic geometry # Journal
Dynamical behavior of the universe: An entropic force scenario # Journal
Holographic entanglement first law for d+1 dimensional rotating cylindrical black holes # Journal
Entanglement of Semi-Bell States in Non-Inertial Frames # Journal
Mimetic f(T) teleparallel gravity and cosmology # Journal
Extended Phase Space in the Framework of Holography # Journal
Electromagnetic self-force in the five dimensional Myers-Perry space-time # Journal
Topological invariants of the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) surface used to observe holographic superconductor phase transition # Journal
Holographic entanglement entropy for charged accelerating AdS black holes # Journal
Anyon black holes # Journal
Generating five-dimensional Myers-Perry black hole solution using quaternions # Journal
Exponential nonlinear electrodynamics and backreaction effects on holographic superconductor in the Lifshitz black hole background 10.1142/S0218271817501759 Journal
Gravitational Field effects on the Decoherence Process and the Quantum Speed Limit # Journal
Lorentz gauge theory of gravity in electron positron colliders # Journal
Black holes with toroidal horizons in( d plus 1) - dimensional space time # Journal
Constraining f(T) gravity by dynamical system analysis # Journal
Condensation and critical exponents of an ideal non-Abelian gas # Journal
A homogeneous and isotropic universe in Lorentz gauge theory of gravity 10.1088/1361-6382/aa7647 Journal
Critical behaviors and phase transitions of black holes in higher order gravities and extended phase spaces # Journal