
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Black hole temperature Minimal coupling vs conformal coupling # Journal
Dimension of quantum channel of radiation in pure Lovelock black holes # Journal
Correspondence of phase transition points and singularities of thermodynamic geometry of black holes # Journal
Entropic force running gravitational coupling and future singularities # Journal
Infnite statistics condensate as a model of dark matter # Journal
Phase transition critical behavior and critical exponents of Myers-Perry black holes # Journal
Thermodynamic geometry of a kagome Ising model in a magnetic field # Journal
Two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator on a time-dependent sphere # Journal
Condensation of an ideal gas with intermediate statistics on the horizon # Journal
هندس ترموديناميك سياهچال بي- تي - زد # Journal
گرانش به عنوان نيروي آنتروپي و ت ثير آن بر تكينگيهاي معادلات فريدمن # Journal
بررسي اثر بي نظمي روي چگالي حالات نانو روبانهاي گرافيني # Journal
Condensation of an ideal gas obeying non-Abelian statistics # Journal
Thermodynamic geometry of deformed bosons and fermions # Journal
Corrected entropy of the rotating black hole solution of the new massive gravity using the tunneling method and Cardy formula # Journal
Pseudo-entanglement evaluated in noninertial frames # Journal
Asymptotic safety singularities and gravitational collapse # Journal
Relativistic Oscillators in a Noncommutative Space and in a Magnetic Field # Journal
Generalized relation between relative entropy and dissipation for nonequilibrium systems # Journal
Thermodynamic geometry of fractional statistics # Journal