شناسايي ترازهاي اشوبي بيليارد استاديوم بر حسب شعاع گردش |
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تحليل سيگنالهاي الكتريكي قلب (ECG) با استفاده از روش حذف شيب چند فراكتالي |
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بررسي نوسانگرهاي كلاين-گوردن و ديراك در فضاي ناجابجايي تحت ميدان مغناطيسي ثابت |
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محا سبه انحنا اسكالر در مدل اسپيني مختلط چهار حا لته |
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Calculation of the shift exponent for the two layer three state Potts model using the transfer matrix method |
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Determinant of the Potts model transfer matrix and the critical point |
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The phase structure of two dimensional pure U(N) lattice gauge theoris with complex action |
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Constracting the critical curve for a symmetric two-layer Ising model. |
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مطالعه نيمه كلاسيكي چند رابطه جابجا گري تعميم يافته |
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A method of calculation for the determinant of the Potts model transfer matrix |
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Noncommutative geometry and classical orbits of particles in a central force potential |
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non commutative quantum mechanics and the Aharonov-Casher effect |
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The Klein-Gordon and the Dirac Oscillators in a noncommutative space |
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Phenomenological renormalization group approach to the two-layer Ising model |
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Calculation of the Critical temperature for the anisotropic two-layer Ising model using the transfer matrix method |
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local duality chiral symmetry and fermion-like formulation of non-Abelian pure gauge fields |
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طيف سنجي كواركونيم به كمك معادله كلاين گوردن |
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Branched polymers complex spins and the freezing transition |
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بدست آوردن جواب دقيق متريك كانفرمال-اسكالر در فضا-زمان N- بعدي |
Conference |
جواب دقيق متريك چرخان كانفرمال در حضور ميدان اسكالر |
Conference |