
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor Using Model Predictive and Backstepping Control with Anti-disturbance Compensation Subjected to Variations in Center of Gravity NULL 1403 06 Journal
A backward control approach for aerial load transportation using a multi-agent system 10.1016/j.ejcon.2024.100979 1402 12 Journal
Fuzzy Control Allocation of a Positionable Rotor Quadrotor Based on Log-Barrier Optimization and Propulsion System Fault Toleration 10.1049/cth2.12653 1402 11 Journal
Auto-landing algorithm for quadrotor UAV using super-twisting second-order sliding mode control in the presence of external disturbances 10.1007/s40435-023-01139-z 1402 09 Journal
A Distributed Composite Formation Control Approach for a Multi-quadrotor System NULL 1402 05 Journal
Estimation of hydrodynamic coefficients and simplification of the depth model of an AUV using CFD and sensitivity analysis 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112369 1402 02 Journal
Disturbance observer-based model predictive control of a coaxialoctorotor with variable centre of gravity NULL 1402 01 Journal
Active Optimal Roll Control of Railway Vehicles in Curved Tracks Using an Electrically Actuated Anti-roll Bar System 10.1007/s12555-021-1095-8 1402 01 Journal
Active noise control for global broadband noise attenuation in a cylindrical cavity using Modal FxLMS algorithm 10.1177/10775463221144358 1401 09 Journal
Design of Robust P-PD Controller for an AUV Using Quantitative Feedback Theory QFT) in the Diving Plane 10.22060/AJME.2022.20964.6026 1401 06 Journal
Distributed formation tracking control of a multi-quadrotor system based on sliding mode and a rate bounded PID controller in the presence of internal perturbation and external disturbance NULL 1401 04 Journal
Unified left eigenvector (ULEV) for blind source separation 10.1049/ell2.12346 1400 10 Journal
Positionable Rotor Quadrotor: Dynamic Modeling and Adaptive Finite-Time Sliding-Mode Controller Design NULL 1400 10 Journal
Robust Containment Control of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems with Time-Delay and Heterogeneous Lipschitz Nonlinearity 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2912268 1400 01 Journal
طراحي مسير روي خط براي ربات خودمختار زيرسطحي در يك بستر تقريبا ناشناخته به روش درخت جستجو سريع تصادفي محلي NULL 1398 07 Journal
Containment control of high-order multi-agent systems with heterogeneous uncertainties, dynamic leaders, and time delay 10.1002/asjc.2251 1398 05 Journal
طراحي و پياده سازي سيستم كنترل دور زدن خودكار خودرو 10.29252/joc.13.2.33 1398 04 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Transportation of an Unknown Cable-Suspended Payload by a Quadrotor in Windy Environment under Aerodynamics Effects 1399 12 Conference 7th International Conference on Control , Instrumentation and Automation(ICCIA)
Significant Methods to Improve Control of Quadrotors, Hexarotors and Octorotors 1399 03 Conference بيست و هشتمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Optimal Path Planning and Control of a Hexarotor with Mass Uncertainty in the Presence of Dynamic Obstacles and Wind Using Sliding Mode and Adaptive PSO Algorithm 1399 03 Conference بيست و هشتمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران