
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Considering creep parameters of rock mass to evaluate the necessity thrust for excavation in squeezing ground # Journal
Geological Hazards in Deep Tunneling (A Case Study Beheshtabad Water Conveyance Tunnel) # Journal
3D Numerical Simulation to Consider the Effects of EPB Tunneling on the Existing Support System # Journal
Development of 2D computer program to determine geometry of rock mass blocks # Journal
Safety risk assessment of Iran s dimension stone quarries (Exploitedby diamond wire cutting method) # Journal
Selecting the Most Suitable Blasting Pattern Using AHP TOPSIS Method Sungun Copper Mine # Journal
The effect of fracture patterns on penetration rate of TBM in fractured rock mass using probabilistic numerical approach # Journal
Materials Handling in World Wide Surface Mines # Journal
A Roadmap for Lean Maintenance of Mining Machinery Conference
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Automated Mining Machinery Conference
An overview of ventilation and gas management systems in an underground coalmine in Iran Conference
Developing a Novel Method for Selecting More Efficient Blasting Pattern in Sungun Copper Mine Conference
Influence of Chemical Impurities of Rocks on Cutting Efficiency and Wire Specific Consumption in Travertine Quarries Conference
Preconditioning Effect of Blasting and Its Role in Mineral Extraction Chain Conference
Investigating a Novel Model for Risk Assessment in Decorative Stones Quarrying Conference
Fibre-Optic Based Sensors for Dust Monitoring Conference
Determination of leaching cufoff grade using economical evaluation in Sarcgeshmeh copper mine Conference
optimum distance between cutting machine and working face in Travertine exploitation with diamond wire cutting method Conference
Influence of cutting wire tension on travertine cutting rate Conference
Safety and Technical Management of Blasting in Mine Sungun Copper Mine Conference