Considering creep parameters of rock mass to evaluate the necessity thrust for excavation in squeezing ground
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Geological Hazards in Deep Tunneling (A Case Study Beheshtabad Water Conveyance Tunnel)
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3D Numerical Simulation to Consider the Effects of EPB Tunneling on the Existing Support System
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Development of 2D computer program to determine geometry of rock mass blocks
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Safety risk assessment of Iran s dimension stone quarries (Exploitedby diamond wire cutting method)
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Selecting the Most Suitable Blasting Pattern Using AHP TOPSIS Method Sungun Copper Mine
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The effect of fracture patterns on penetration rate of TBM in fractured rock mass using probabilistic numerical approach
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Materials Handling in World Wide Surface Mines
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A Roadmap for Lean Maintenance of Mining Machinery
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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Automated Mining Machinery
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An overview of ventilation and gas management systems in an underground coalmine in Iran
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Developing a Novel Method for Selecting More Efficient Blasting Pattern in Sungun Copper Mine
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Influence of Chemical Impurities of Rocks on Cutting Efficiency and Wire Specific Consumption in Travertine Quarries
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Preconditioning Effect of Blasting and Its Role in Mineral Extraction Chain
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Investigating a Novel Model for Risk Assessment in Decorative Stones Quarrying
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Fibre-Optic Based Sensors for Dust Monitoring
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Determination of leaching cufoff grade using economical evaluation in Sarcgeshmeh copper mine
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optimum distance between cutting machine and working face in Travertine exploitation with diamond wire cutting method
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Influence of cutting wire tension on travertine cutting rate
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Safety and Technical Management of Blasting in Mine Sungun Copper Mine
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