
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Environmentally sustainable mining through proper selection of explosives in blasting operation # Journal
Predicting the Building Stone Cutting Rate Based on Rock Properties and Device Pullback Amperage in Quarries Using M5P Model Tree # Journal
Developing a new rock classification based on the abrasiveness hardness and toughness of rocks and PA for the prediction of hard dimension stone sawability in quarrying # Journal
Haulage system selection for open pit mines using fuzzy MCDM and the view on energy saving # Journal
Model tree approach for predicting uniaxial compressive strength and Young s modulus of carbonate rocks 10.1007/s10064-016-0931-1 Journal
An Approach to the Evaluation and Classification of Dimensional Stone Quarries with an Emphasis on Safety Parameters # Journal
Assessment of backbreak due to blasting operation in open pit mines a case study # Journal
A new hybrid ANFIS-PSO model for prediction of peak particle velocity due to bench blasting # Journal
Developing a MatLab code for determine geometry of rock mass blocks and its applications in mining and rock mechanic engineering # Journal
The Dangerous Condition of Ground during High Overburden Tunneling (A Case Study in Iran) # Journal
How to Determine the Appropriate Methods for Identifying the Geometry of In Situ Rock Blocks in Dimension Stones # Journal
Grout penetration in fractured rock mass using a new developed explicit algorithm # Journal
Safety risk assessment of Iran s underground coal mines based on preventive and preparative measures # Journal
Safety survey of Iran s mines and comparison to some other countries # Journal
Selection of Most Proper Blasting Pattern in Mines Using Linear Assignment Method Sungun Copper Mine # Journal
Development of a novel flyrock distance prediction model using BPNN for providing blasting operation safety # Journal
Development of an evaluation system for blasting patterns to provide efficient production # Journal
Optimum cutting wire assembly situation in dimension stone quarries # Journal
A Novel Investigation in Blasting Operation Management using Decision Making Methods # Journal
Developing a Mathematical Assessment Model for Blasting Patterns Management Sungun Copper Mine # Journal