Google Scholar Office Department of Mining Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 8415683111, Iran Phone +98(0)31-33915118 Fax +98(0)31-33912776 Positions Department of Mining Engineering Research Interests Mining ( Drilling Blasting Loading and Haulage ) Mine to Mill Tunneling(Ventilation- Shotcrete) Dimension Stones Acoustic Emission Mining Machinery More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Experimental Investigation and Optimization of the Penetration Rate of Large-Scale DTH Drilling in Copper Mines # Journal The role of different explosives in reducing energy and emissions in mining comminution for sustainable improvement # Journal A smart look at monitoring while drilling (MWD) and optimizing using acoustic emission technique (AET) # Journal Real-time monitoring of disc cutter wear in tunnel boring machines: A sound and vibration sensor-based approach with machine learning technique # Journal Real-Time Prediction of Disc Cutter Wear in Low-Abrasive Rocks: Integrating Physico-Mechanical Properties and Signal Processing Features Through Machine Learning Methods 10.1007/s13369-024-09321-x Journal Developing a New Model for Predicting Specific Energy (SE) for Economic and Environmental Optimization of the Diamond Wire Cutting Operation # Journal Geological investigations and production planning by identification of the discontinuities and rock mass blocks in dimension stone quarries: a case study # Journal Prediction of jumbo drill penetration rate in underground mines using various machine learning approaches and traditional models # Journal A new empirical model for prediction of jumbo drills' penetration rate in underground mines based on the rock mass characteristics # Journal Monitoring of drill bit wear using sound and vibration signals analysis recorded during rock drilling operations 10.1007/s40808-023-01901-4 Journal