
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Development of a Match Factor and Comparison of Its Applicability with Ant-Colony Algorithm in a Heterogeneous Transportation Fleet in an Open-Pit Mine # Journal
The development of a novel model for mining method selection in a fuzzy environment case study Tazareh Coal Mine Semnan Province Iran # Journal
Frictional Crack Initiation and Propagation in Rocks under Compressive Loading # Journal
Applicability of the classical fracture mechanics criteria to predict the crack propagation path in rock under compression # Journal
Investigating an innovative model for dimensional sedimentary rocks characterization using acoustic frequencies analysis during drilling # Journal
Discontinuity modelling and rock block geometry identification to optimize production in dimension stone quarries # Journal
Developing a novel model for predicting geomechanical features of carbonate rocks based on acoustic frequency processing during drilling # Journal
Implementing Acoustic Frequency Analysis for Development the Novel Model of Determining Geomechanical Features of Igneous Rocks Using Rotary Drilling Device # Journal
Combination of the Physical and Ultrasonic Tests in Estimating the Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Young s Modulus of Intact Limestone Rocks # Journal
Forecasting ground vibration due to rock blasting a hybrid intelligent approach using support vector regression and fuzzy C-means clustering # Journal
Model uncertainty of various settlement estimation methods in shallow tunnels excavation case study Qom subway tunnel # Journal
Application of carbonate precipitating bacteria for improving properties and repairing cracks of shotcrete # Journal
Determining the optimum cutting direction in granite quarries through experimental studies A case study of a granite quarry # Journal
Investigation of intact rock geomechanical parameters effects on commercial blocks productivity within stone reserves A case history of some quarries in Isfahan Iran # Journal
Optimization of diamond wire cutting performance in travertine quarrying # Journal
Alteration of grindability of minerals due to applying different explosives in blasting operation # Journal
Stability assessment of hard rock pillars using two intelligent classification techniques A comparative study # Journal
Analysis of bead wear in diamond wire sawing considering the rock properties and production rate # Journal
Using non-destructive tests for estimating uniaxial compressive strength and static Young s modulus of carbonate rocks via some modeling techniques 10.1007/s10064-017-1043-2 Journal
A new quality factor for the building stone industry a case study of stone blocks slabs and tiles # Journal