
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Experimental Investigation and Optimization of the Penetration Rate of Large-Scale DTH Drilling in Copper Mines # Journal
The role of different explosives in reducing energy and emissions in mining comminution for sustainable improvement # Journal
Real-time monitoring of disc cutter wear in tunnel boring machines: A sound and vibration sensor-based approach with machine learning technique # Journal
A smart look at monitoring while drilling (MWD) and optimizing using acoustic emission technique (AET) # Journal
Real-Time Prediction of Disc Cutter Wear in Low-Abrasive Rocks: Integrating Physico-Mechanical Properties and Signal Processing Features Through Machine Learning Methods 10.1007/s13369-024-09321-x Journal
Developing a New Model for Predicting Specific Energy (SE) for Economic and Environmental Optimization of the Diamond Wire Cutting Operation # Journal
Prediction of jumbo drill penetration rate in underground mines using various machine learning approaches and traditional models # Journal
Geological investigations and production planning by identification of the discontinuities and rock mass blocks in dimension stone quarries: a case study # Journal
A new empirical model for prediction of jumbo drills' penetration rate in underground mines based on the rock mass characteristics # Journal
Monitoring of drill bit wear using sound and vibration signals analysis recorded during rock drilling operations 10.1007/s40808-023-01901-4 Journal
Wear Prediction of Rock Drill Bits Based on Geomechanical Properties of Rocks # Journal
Environmentally sustainable mining in quarries to reduce waste production and loss of resources using the developed optimization algorithm 10.1038/s41598-023-49633-w Journal
Studying Effects of Cooling/Lubricating Fluids, Machining Parameters, and Rock Mechanical Properties on Specific Energy in Rock Drilling Process # Journal
Measurement, prediction, and modeling of the drilling specific energy by soft rock properties during the drilling operation # Journal
Investigating the Effect of Operating Parameters on the Wear of Abrasive Tools in the Polishing Stage of Granitic Building Stones 10.3390/lubricants10110321 Journal
Estimating the Wear Rate of Diamond Cutting Wire Bead in Building Stone Cutting Using SVR and GA_MLP System # Journal
Prediction of Rock Abrasivity Index (RAI) and Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) of Granite Building Stones Using Nondestructive Tests 10.1007/s10706-022-02095-9 Journal
A New Look at Hard Rock Abrasivity Evaluation Using Acoustic Emission Technique (AET) # Journal
Experimental study of the effect of cooling/lubricating fluids on penetration rate in hard and soft rock drilling process # Journal
Wastes production in dimension stones industry: resources, factors, and solutions to reduce them # Journal