Genetic variation for clonal propagation and trait association with field performance in sainfoin
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Application of EST-derived microsatellite markers for analysis of genetic variation in tall fescue and its comparison with morphological markers
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Integrating parametric and non-parametric measures to investigate genotype environment interactions in tall fescue
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Response to Drought Stress in Sainfoin Within and Among Ecotype Variation
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Response of cultivated and wild barley germplasm to drought stress at different developmental stages
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Association of SSR markers and morpho-physiological traits associated with salinity tolerance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
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Assessment of Drought Tolerance in Sainfoin Physiological and Drought Tolerance Indices
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Application of GGE Biplot to Analyze Stability of Iranian Tall Fescue Genotypes
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Genetic diversity and relationships within and among Onobrychis species using molecular markers
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Half-sib Matting and Genetic Analysis of Agronomic Morphological and Physiological Traits in Sainfoin Under Non stressed versus Water Deficit Conditions
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Physiological Traits Related to Drought Tolerance in Brassica
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Multivariate analysis of genetic variation in winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars
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Genetic analysis of seed related traits in Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) under normal and drought stress conditions
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Oil Content and Fatty Acids Composition in Brassica Species
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Root and physiological characteristics associated with drought tolerance in Iranian tall fescue
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Polycross Genetic Analysis of Forage Yield and Related Traits in Dactylis glomerata
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Evaluation of genetic diversity of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) crossing parents using agro-morphological traits and molecular markers
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Molecular and morphological variation in a world wide collection of safflower
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Effect of maternal nitrogen and drought stress on seed dormancy and germinability of Amaranthus retroflexus
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Salinity tolerance of Aegilops cylindrica genotypes collected from hyper-saline shores of Uremia Salt Lake using physiological traits and SSR markers
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