Synthetic wheat as a new source of flour quality under drought conditions: Associations with solvent retention capacity
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Genetic analysis of forage, seed, and turf quality in tall fescue: Unraveling inheritance patterns and interrelationships
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Exploring genotypic variation and gene expression associated to cadmium accumulation in bread wheat
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Drought stress tolerance in vetch plants (Vicia sp.): agronomic evidence and physiological signatures
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Wild introgression as an effective tool for aiding the expansion and adaptation of cultivated safflower
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Salt stress memory in tall fescue: Interaction of different stress stages, pollination system and genetic diversity
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Adaptive strategies to drought stress in grasses of the poaceae family under climate change: Physiological, genetic and molecular perspectives: A review
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Physiological and antioxidant responses of synthetic hexaploid wheat germplasm under drought
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Exploring soil-root interactions: A comparative study of wheat species and soil types
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Integrating in-field Vis-NIR leaf spectroscopy and deep learning feature extraction for growth-stage dependent and independent genotyping of wheat plants
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Wheat cultivars responses to drought stress and atmospheric CO2 concentration variability
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Drought stress memory in a germplasm of synthetic and common wheat: antioxidant system, physiological and morphological consequences
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Drought stress memory in orchard grass and the role of marker-based parental selection for physiological and antioxidant responses
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Wild barley genomic resources for drought adaptability and quality improvement
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Inter-specific variation for germination and seedling properties and evaluation of breaking seed dormancy in different species of Onobrychis Mill
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Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Grass Genotypes on Eruca Sativa L.
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The Allelopathic Activity of Festuca arundinacea Shreb. Rhizospheric Soil Is Exacerbated Under Drought Stress
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Breeding safflower for adaptation to autumn sowing by interspecific hybridization
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Simultaneous effect of water deficit and mating systems in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare mill.): Genetics of phytochemical compositions and drought tolerance
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Changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes in radish (Raphanus sativus) seedlings in response to allelopathic effect of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
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