Google Scholar Office +98 31 33913458 Phone +98 31 33913458 Fax +98 31 33913463 Positions Genetic, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Research Interests Application of biotechnology in plant breeding Breeding for drought and salt tolerance Breeding forage crops and turf grasses Breeding medicinal and oil crops Characterization conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources More Articles type: Journal Title DOI type Exploring soil-root interactions: A comparative study of wheat species and soil types 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2024.105710 Journal Integrating in-field Vis-NIR leaf spectroscopy and deep learning feature extraction for growth-stage dependent and independent genotyping of wheat plants - Journal Wheat cultivars responses to drought stress and atmospheric CO2 concentration variability 10.1007/s42976-023-00474-3 Journal Drought stress memory in orchard grass and the role of marker-based parental selection for physiological and antioxidant responses - Journal Wild barley genomic resources for drought adaptability and quality improvement - Journal Inter-specific variation for germination and seedling properties and evaluation of breaking seed dormancy in different species of Onobrychis Mill - Journal Drought stress memory in a germplasm of synthetic and common wheat: antioxidant system, physiological and morphological consequences - Journal Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Grass Genotypes on Eruca Sativa L. 10.3390/plants12193358 Journal The Allelopathic Activity of Festuca arundinacea Shreb. Rhizospheric Soil Is Exacerbated Under Drought Stress 10.1007/s42729-023-01417-x Journal Breeding safflower for adaptation to autumn sowing by interspecific hybridization - Journal