
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Yield stability of contrasting orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) genotypes over the years and water regimes # Journal
Emmer wheat as a source for trait improvement in durum wheat: a study of general and specific combining ability # Journal
Half-sib mating for inheritance analysis of post-drought recovery and productivity related traits in tall fescue # Journal
Evidence for the Accumulation of Nonsynonymous Mutations and Favorable Pleiotropic Alleles During Wheat Breeding # Journal
Drought Tolerance in Cultivated and Wild Barley Genotypes: The Role of Root System Characteristics # Journal
Influence of water deficit and defoliation managements on post-drought recovery and persistence of smooth bromegrass # Journal
Enhanced polycross breeding of tall fescue through marker based paternity identification and estimation of combining ability # Journal
Amelioration of high temperature stress by exogenously applied salicylic acid: Genotype?specific response of physiological traits 10.1002/agj2.20150 Journal
Genotypic-specific response to exogenous applied salicylic acid in tall fescue under different irrigation conditions # Journal
Genotypic- specific responses caused by prolonged drought stress in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis): Interactions with mating systems # Journal
Evolution of Carthamus species revealed through sequence analyses of the fad2 gene family 10.1007/s12298-019-00739-4 Journal
Comparative physiological attributes of cultivated and wild relatives of barley in response to different water environments # Journal
The Use of Wild Relatives of Safflower to Increase Genetic Diversity for Fatty Acid Composition and Drought Tolerance # Journal
Physiological aspects of inter-specific gene introgression to improve drought tolerance in safflower # Journal
Wide hybridization and introgression breeding in safflower: Effectiveness of different selection methods # Journal
Inheritance and combining ability of persistence and drought recovery in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis L.) # Journal
Genetic and Physiological Aspects of Drought Tolerance in Smooth Bromegrass # Journal
Genotype selection for physiological responses of drought tolerance using molecular markers in polycross hybrids of orchardgrass # Journal
Expression Profiles of P5CS and DREB2 Genes under Salt Stress in Aegilops cylindrica # Journal
Growth traits associated with drought survival, recovery and persistence of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) under prolonged drought treatments # Journal