
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
An investigation into cultural effects of L2 learning a case study of Iranian young versus adult learners of English # Journal
L2 vocabulary learning through multimodal representations # Journal
Cultural effects of L2 learning a case study of Iranian learners learning English # Journal
Analysis of Complimenting in L1 vs. L2 Written Discourse A Case Study of Iranian Students Writing Review Letters # Journal
Functional analysis of Iranian learners L2 Complimenting in written discourse # Journal
Are English and Persian Distinct in their Discursive Elements An Analysis of Applied Linguistics Texts # Journal
A contrastive study on metadiscourse elements used in humanities vs non humanities across Persian and English # Journal
A critical look into the basic assumptions of teaching English as an International Language (EIL) # Journal
Analysis and categorization of the most prevalent errors of intermediate and elementary Iranian EFL learners in writing in Iran # Journal
A constructivist model for the technological enhancement of university materials # Journal
The Relationship between L2 Learner s Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge Lexical Inferencing Strategy Use and Their Success in Reading Comprehension # Journal
بررسي اثر حافظه كوتاه مدت بر توان يادگيري وازگان زبان انگليسي فراگيران فارسي زبان از طريق موبايل و بازنمايي چند رسانه اي # Journal
برسي تاثير حافظه كوتاه مدت بر يادگيري وازگان زبان انگليسي از طريق تلفن همراه # Journal
Apragmatic account of metaphor interpretattion as reported by Iranian EFL learners # Journal
The effect of constructivist language teaching/learning on students conceptions of 1.2 reading # Journal
L1 use in L2 composing context A disruptive or constructive role # Journal
The Effect of Constructivist vs. Conventional Teaching on Reading Comprehension # Journal
A cognitively based exploration of Langauge switching (L-S) in the wirting performance of iranian el learners # Journal
Do English for Special Poruposes (ESP) Textbooks Prepare Students for Writing Research Articles (RAS) A Case of Metadiscourse Analysis # Journal
Language learning strategies among pre-university students and the relationship between their teachers advice and studnt proficiency level # Journal