
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
پالايش داده هاي آموزشي شبكه عصبي و بررسي تاثير آن در كاهش خطاي پيش بيني كوتاه مدت بار سيستمهاي قدرت NULL 1388 12 Journal
Analysis of Breast Thermography Using Fractal Dimension to Establesh Possible Difference between Malighnant and Benign Patterns NULL 1388 11 Journal
A Novel Algorithm for determining the Exact Location of Switched Capacitor Banks in Distribution Systems 1388 08 Conference IEEE T D ASIA - SIEF 2009
On tracking and Finding the Location of Swithched Capacitor Banks in Distribution Systems 1388 08 Conference IEEE T D ASIA - SIEF 2009
A Theoretical Model for Spontaneous Seizure Generation Based on Markov Chain Process 1388 02 Conference 4th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
A novel mehod for the identification of weave repeat through image processing NULL 1388 01 Journal
Detection of Steel Defect using the Image Processing Algorithms 1387 10 Conference The 12th IEEE International Multitopic Conference Conquering the Horizons of Future Technology (IEEE INMIC 2008)
Discrimination of Bony Structures in Cephalograms for Automatic Landmark Detection NULL 1387 08 Journal
بهبود رجيستر كردن تصاوير MR-MR با استفاده از شبكه عصبي 1387 08 Conference پنجمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران
Investigation of Lifting-Based Hardware Architectures for Discrete Wavelet Transform NULL 1387 07 Journal
Application of K- and Fuzzy c-Means for Color Segmentation of Thermal Infrared Breast Images NULL 1387 06 Journal
Intelligent Diagnosis of Broken Bars in Induction Motors Based on New Features in Vibration Spectrum NULL 1387 04 Journal
A general form for recursive algorithms in tomographic image reconstruction 1387 03 Conference 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Application in Biomedical
Using Direct Radon Transform to Improve Image Reconstructed by Backprojection Method 1387 02 Conference 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008 )
پالايش داده هاي آموزشي شبكه عصبي مبتني بر تحليل مولفه اصلي در پيش بيني كوتاه مدت بار سيستمهاي قدرت 1387 02 Conference شانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Using a Combination of Model Based and Intelligent methods in Automatic Landmark Detection in Cephalometry 1387 02 Conference 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008 )
Triangulation by Neighboring Test NULL 1387 01 Journal
study on the yarn compressive stresses at balloon control ring by signal processing NULL 1387 01 Journal
Discrimination of Bony Structures in Cephalograms for Automatic Landmark Detection 1386 12 Conference 13th CSI International computer Conference (CSICC 2008)