
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Regularization convex optimization method with l-curve estimation in image restoration Conference
Compute Blood Flow Velocity Using Videodensitometric Conference
Vessel centerlines extraction from Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram based on Hessian analysis of directional curvelet subbands Conference
Automatic Aerial Image Segmentation based on a Modified Chan-Vese Algorithm Conference
Automatic heart localization and epicardial segmentation in cardiac MR sequences using dynamics Conference
Accurate coronary vessel extraction using Fast directional filter bank Conference
Segmentation of coronary vessels by combining the detection of centerlines and active contour model Conference
Detection of Collagenous Colitis Based On Histopathology Image Segmentation of Colon Conference
Defiining a New Measure for Synchronization of Multi-Channel Epileptic Depth-EEG Signals Based on Identification of Parameters of a Computational Model Conference
A Digital Signal Processing Technique to Measure the Surface Roughness of Nano- Fibrous Scaffolds Conference
Evaluation of Some Physiological Statements about Seizure Using Processing of Epileptic EEG Signals Conference
Spectrum Analysis of Multiple PRF Radars Based on the Compressive Sensing Method Conference
Direct Path and Multipath Cancellation in Passive Radars Using Subband Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm Conference
Design Optimization of Analog Integrated Circuits by Using Artifical Neural Networks Conference
Predicting Mechanical Properties of Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Based on Magnetic Parameter Measurement using Artificial Neural Network Conference
A Fast Image Registration Algorithm for Digital Subtraction Angiography Conference
A Fast Hybrid Approach for Approximating a Thin-Plate Spline Surface Conference
A New Quasi-Elliptic UWB BPF with a Sharp Transition Band Using 3/4- Wavelength SIRs Conference
A New Index for Online Tracking of the Switched Capacitor Bank Location in Distribution Systems Conference
Automatic Segmentation of Pallet Images Using the 2-D Wavelet Transform and YUV Color Space Conference