Regularization convex optimization method with l-curve estimation in image restoration |
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Compute Blood Flow Velocity Using Videodensitometric |
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Vessel centerlines extraction from Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram based on Hessian analysis of directional curvelet subbands |
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Automatic Aerial Image Segmentation based on a Modified Chan-Vese Algorithm |
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Automatic heart localization and epicardial segmentation in cardiac MR sequences using dynamics |
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Accurate coronary vessel extraction using Fast directional filter bank |
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Segmentation of coronary vessels by combining the detection of centerlines and active contour model |
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Detection of Collagenous Colitis Based On Histopathology Image Segmentation of Colon |
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Defiining a New Measure for Synchronization of Multi-Channel Epileptic Depth-EEG Signals Based on Identification of Parameters of a Computational Model |
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A Digital Signal Processing Technique to Measure the Surface Roughness of Nano- Fibrous Scaffolds |
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Evaluation of Some Physiological Statements about Seizure Using Processing of Epileptic EEG Signals |
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Spectrum Analysis of Multiple PRF Radars Based on the Compressive Sensing Method |
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Direct Path and Multipath Cancellation in Passive Radars Using Subband Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm |
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Design Optimization of Analog Integrated Circuits by Using Artifical Neural Networks |
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Predicting Mechanical Properties of Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Based on Magnetic Parameter Measurement using Artificial Neural Network |
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A Fast Image Registration Algorithm for Digital Subtraction Angiography |
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A Fast Hybrid Approach for Approximating a Thin-Plate Spline Surface |
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A New Quasi-Elliptic UWB BPF with a Sharp Transition Band Using 3/4- Wavelength SIRs |
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A New Index for Online Tracking of the Switched Capacitor Bank Location in Distribution Systems |
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Automatic Segmentation of Pallet Images Using the 2-D Wavelet Transform and YUV Color Space |
Conference |