
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effective pixel classification of Mars images based on ant colony optimization feature selection and extreme learning machine # Journal
Directional SUSAN image boundary detection of breast thermogram # Journal
Image restoration with regularization convex optimization approach # Journal
Video Densitometry Technique in Computation of Blood Flow Velocity in Diabetic Retinopathy 10.1166/jmihi.2016.1580 Journal
Extended hidden Markov model for Optimized Segmentation of Breast Thermography Images # Journal
Characterization of air-jet textured yarn structure through image analysis # Journal
Hippocampal effective synchronization values are not pre-seizure indicator without considering the state of the onset channels # Journal
Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images Using Fusion of Color and Texture Features # Journal
Local feature fitting active contour for segmenting vessels in angiograms # Journal
A new efficient method to characterize dynamic textures based on a two-phase texture and dynamism analysis # Journal
Spectrum analysis and Blind Estimation of Number of Targets in Multiple PRF Radars Based on the Compressive Sensing Method # Journal
Vesselness-guided Active Contour A Coronary Vessel Extraction Method # Journal
Proposing a two-level stochastic model for epileptic seizure genesis # Journal
A Model-Based Method for Computation of Correlation Dimension Lyapunov Exponents and Synchronization from Depth-EEG Signals # Journal
Online Detection of Induction Motor s Stator Winding Short-Circuit Faults # Journal
A novel indicator of stator winding inter-turn fault in induction motor using infrared thermal imaging # Journal
Theoretical Approach for Target Detection and interference Cancellation in Passive Radar # Journal
Frequency-Domain Carrier Frequency and Symbol Timing Offsets Estimation for Offset QAM Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems in Uplink of Multiple Access Networks # Journal
Sementation of Dermoscopy Images Using Wavelet Networks # Journal
Analysis of the Behavior of a Seizure Neural Mass Model Using Describing Functions # Journal