
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Computer aided measurement of sub-epithelial collagen band in colon biopsies for collagenous colitis diagnosis # Journal
Fabrication Characterization and Cellular Compatibility of Poly(Hydroxy Alkanoate) Composite Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Nerve Tissue Engineering # Journal
Impulse Noise Removal from Images A Wavelet Network # Journal
Near Maximum Likelihood Synchronization for Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems # Journal
Nonrigid Image Registration in Digital Subtraction Angiography Using Multilevel B-Spline # Journal
Nonlinear analysis using Lyapunov exponents in breast thermograms to identify abnormal lesions # Journal
Impulse Noise Cancellation of Medical Images Using Wavelet Networks and Median Filters # Journal
Objective yarn bulk measurement through image analysis # Journal
A Brief Survey of Computational Models of Normal and Epileptic EEG Signals A Guideline to Model Based Seizure Prediction # Journal
A Review of Coronary Vessel Segmentation Algorithms # Journal
Complexity and Performance Comparison of Filter Bank Multicarrier and OFDM in Uplink of Multicarrier Multiple Access Networks # Journal
A New Triangulation Method Based on Neighboring Test # Journal
Sensitivity Analysis of Offset QAM Multicarrier Systems to Residual Carrier Frequency and Timing Offsets # Journal
A New Method for Online Determination of the Location of Switched Capacitor Banks in Distribution Systems # Journal
Estimating the Multual Information Between Bilateral Breast in Thermograms Using Nonparametric Windows # Journal
An Automated Method for Segmentation of Epithelial Cervical Cells in Images of ThinPrep # Journal
Point Selection for Triangular 2-D Mesh Design Using Adaptive Forward Traking Algorithm # Journal
پالايش داده هاي آموزشي شبكه عصبي و بررسي تاثير آن در كاهش خطاي پيش بيني كوتاه مدت بار سيستمهاي قدرت # Journal
Analysis of Breast Thermography Using Fractal Dimension to Establesh Possible Difference between Malighnant and Benign Patterns # Journal
A novel mehod for the identification of weave repeat through image processing # Journal