
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Discrimination of Bony Structures in Cephalograms for Automatic Landmark Detection # Journal
Investigation of Lifting-Based Hardware Architectures for Discrete Wavelet Transform # Journal
Application of K- and Fuzzy c-Means for Color Segmentation of Thermal Infrared Breast Images # Journal
Intelligent Diagnosis of Broken Bars in Induction Motors Based on New Features in Vibration Spectrum # Journal
study on the yarn compressive stresses at balloon control ring by signal processing # Journal
Triangulation by Neighboring Test # Journal
A New Linear Appearance-based Method in Face Recognition # Journal
Approximation of feedback Linearization Control Input Based on Fuzzy Wavelet Networks # Journal
A Novel Method for the Identification of Weave Repeat Through Image Processing # Journal
بهبود آشكارسازي اهداف راداري با استفاده از نويززدايي بر پايه تبديل موجك # Journal
تاثير پارامترهاي پنجره تبديل فوريه كوتاه زمان در پردازش آرايه گيرنده به روش تخمين بيشترين درستنمايي # Journal
طراحي الگوريتم بهبود يافته جهت شناسائي خطواره ها در تصاوير ماهواره اي چند طيفي # - Journal
Adaptive Forward-Tracking Mesh Model # - Journal
Adaptive fuzzy wavelet network control design for nonlinear systems # - Journal
پيش بيني قصد عبور عابر پياده با استفاده از ويژگي هاي غيربصري و نقشه ي معنايي در اتومبيل هاي خودران Conference
A Comparison Study of Point-Process Filter and Deep Learning Performance in Estimating Rat Position Using an Ensemble of Place Cells Conference
Parameter Estimation in Synaptic Coupling Model Using a Point Process Modeling Framework Conference
Spike sorting Which clustering method should be chosen Which circumstances affect this selection Conference
The Detection Of Dacrocyte Schistocyte and Elliptocyte cells in Iron Deficiency Anemia Conference