
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Effect of nanofluid on mass transfer coefficient of CO2 in a wetted wall column Conference
CFD investigation of convective heat transfer in helically coiled tube heat exchanger Conference
heat transfer enhancement of Al2O3/Water nanofluid in a double pipe heat exchanger Conference
بررسي پديده طبقه اي شدن جريان گاز طبيعي در خطوط لوله گاز بوسيله ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي Conference
Forced Boiling of Nanofluids Effects of Contact Angle and Surface Wettability Conference
مطالعه CFD فرايند جذب سطحي با در نظر گرفتن نفوذ جرمي در ذره كروي Conference
Analysis of Fluid Flow and Gas Pressure Drop in a Rotating Packed Bed using CFD Conference
بررسي تاثير تغييرات زاويه تماس بر جوشش اجباري نانوسيالات با استفاده از شبيه سازي CFD Conference
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Fluid Flow in a Novel Rotating Packed Bed Conference
Prediction of Mass Transfer Rate and Mass Transfer Coefficients in the Wetted Wall Columns Using CFD Simulation Conference
Effect of Nanoparticles Volume Fraction in the Al2O3/Water Nanofluid on Convective Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Pipe Conference
كاربرد فرايند نشاندن ملكولي در كتوسان جهت جداسازي اسيدهاي صفرا در بدن Conference
Effects of geometrical characteristics on dry pressure drop of the packed columns using CFD analysis Conference
CFD simulation of liquid hold-up in structured packed columns Conference
توليد اتانول بروش تخمير حالت غوطه وري از خرماي زيراستاندارد Conference
ساخت و ارزيابي عملكرد كاتاليست آهن جهت تبديل گاز طبيعي به فراورده هاي نفتي Conference