
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Valorization of citrus wastes by fast pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.03.028 Journal
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of CO2 Absorption Using Nanofluids inaHollow-Fiber Membrane Contactor 10.1002/ceat.201700182 Journal
Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of inorganic and organic crosslinkers effects on polymer gel properties 10.1016/j.petrol.2017.10.045 Journal
CFD modeling of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in a draft tube conical spouted bed reactor under pyrolysis conditions Impact of wall boundary condition 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.044 Journal
Experimental investigation of time and repeated cycles in nucleate pool boiling of alumina/water nanofluid on polished and machined surfaces 10.1007/s00231-017-2266-2 Journal
Optimization of dye adsorption using Fe3 O4 nanoparticles encapsulated with alginate beads by Taguchi method 10.1177/0263617416667508 Journal
Investigation of alumina nanofluid stability using experimental and modified population balance methods 10.1016/j.apt.2016.08.003 Journal
Theoretical investigation of nanoparticles aggregation effect on Water-alumina laminar convective heat transfer # Journal
Investigation of nanofluids heat transfer in a ribbed microchannel heat sink using single-phase and multiphase CFD models # Journal
Heat transfer of swirling impinging jets ejected from Nozzles with twisted tapes utilizing CFD technique # Journal
On numerical study of calcium sulphate fouling under sub-cooled flow boiling conditions # Journal
Investigation of alumina nanofluid stability by UV-vis spectrum # Journal
CFD modeling of asphaltene deposition rate from crude oil # Journal
CO2 absorption in nanofluids in a randomly packed column equipped with magnetic field # Journal
تحليل عددي انتقال حرارت و افت فشار به كمك ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي در يك گرمكن خورشيدي بهبود يافته # Journal
تحليل افزايش ميزان انتقال حرارت در در مبدلهاي پوسته و لوله مارپيچ بكمك ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي # Journal
Numerical analysis of heat transfer performance of flat plate solar collectors # Journal
Numerical investigation of heat transfer performance of nanofluids in a flat palte solar collector # Journal
An Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Operating Conditions on the Efficiency of a Flat-Plate Solar Collector # Journal
CO2 Absorption Using Nanofluids in a Wetted-Wall Column with External Magnetic Field # Journal