CFD simulation and experimental study of antisolvent precipitation through impinging jets for synthesis of nanodrug particles |
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Mass transfer characteristics of ferrofluids flowing through a microchannel under AC magnetic field |
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A 3D CFD model of novel flow channel designs based on the serpentine and the parallel design for performance enhancement of PEMFC |
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CO2 Absorption Using Ferrofluids in a Venturi Scrubber with Uniform Magnetic Field of a Solenoid |
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CFD modeling and experimental validation of biomass fast pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor |
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شبيه سازي و بررسي فرآيند واحد تنظيم نقطه شبنم يك پالايشگاه گازي و استفاده از سيكل سردسازي پروپان به منظور دست يابي به شرايط بهينه عملكرد فرآيند |
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Experimental study on the reduction of loratadine particle size through confined liquid impinging jets |
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CFD simulation and experimental validation of nanoparticles fluidization in a conical spouted bed |
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Experimental investigation of using nanofluids in the gas absorption in a venturi scrubber equipped with a magnetic field |
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Water extraction from air via passive plate condensation potential and limitations |
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Kinetic modeling and experimental validation of biomass fast pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor |
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Multiscale characterization of nanoparticles in a magnetically assisted fluidized bed |
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Effect of Inorganic Polymer Gel Systems on Residual Resistance Factor in Fractured Core Model |
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Experimental and numerical study of mass transfer efficiency in new wire gauze with high capacity structured packing |
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Experimental study of swelling and rheological behavior of preformed particle gel used in water shutoff treatment |
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Numerical simulation of mixture homogenization through jet impingement on cylindrical obstacles |
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Enhancing the fluidization quality of nanoparticles using external fields |
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Valorization of citrus wastes by fast pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor |
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