Production of fermentable sugars by enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated waste textile |
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The Combined Effect of Carbon nanotubes Clay and Phosphorus Flame Retardants on Fire Resistance of Fiber-reinforced Epoxy Composites |
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Preparation and characterization of antibacterial chitosan-grafted poly(ethylene terephthalate) film |
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Investigation of electrical and rheological properties of EPDM/conductive carbon black composites |
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Effect of blending procedure on morphology of LDPE/LLDPE/PA blends |
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Preparation and Rheological Properties of Epoxy/ Carbon Nanotube Dispersions |
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توليد قند قابل تخمير از پارچه هاي بازيافتي |
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بررسي اثر pH و دما روي استحكام كششي و افزايش طول تا نقطه پارگي در فيلم كيتوزاني |
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Application of Silver Nanoparticles in the Reverse Osmosis Membrane |
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Preparation and Properties of LDPE-Thermoplastic Corn Starch-OMMT Nanocomposites for Packaging Applications |
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Investigation of Rheological Mechanical and Water Absorption Properties of LDPE-Thermoplastic Corn Starch Blends |
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Effect of Organo-Modified Montmorillonite (O-MMT) on Mechanical and Barrier Properties of LLDPE/LDPE Blend Films |
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Recycling of Lead Acid Battery Cases Polypropylene in Combination with Thermal Stabilizers and Virgin Polypropylene |
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Flame retardant behavior of epoxy / glass / multi walled carbon nanotubes |
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Controlled Release of Triclosan and Its Effect on the Antibacterial Properties |
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Preparation and Investigation of Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of Poly (ethylene terephthalate)/Chitosan Blend |
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Rheology and Morphology of ABS/PA6 Immiscible Blends Interpretation of rheological data with Palierne and Fractional Zener models |
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Rheology and Morphology of ABS/PA6 Immiscible Blends Interpretation of rheological data with Palierne and Fractional Zener models |
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بررسي عوامل تاثيرگذار بر سنتز نانو ذرات نقره جهت استفاده در غشا اسمز معكوس به منظور جلوگيري از گرفتگي بيولوژيكي |
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