
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Rheological Investigation of PEs/PA6/Organoclay Nanocomposites 1392 12 Conference 5th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS5)
Evaluation of the Interfacial Shear Strength of Chemically Treated UHMWPE Fiber/Vinyl Ester Composite by the Microbond Test 1392 12 Conference The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition(IChEC2014)
Synergy of Fiber and Matrix Modification on Interfacial Adhesion between Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Fibers and Epoxy 1392 12 Conference 5th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS5)
Thermo-mechanical charactrization of High Impact Polystyrne sheets using uniaxial stress relaxation tests 1392 11 Conference The Bi-Annual International Conference on Experimental on Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech-2014)
Flammability and thermal properties of epoxy/glass/MWNT Composites NULL 1392 11 Journal
تهيه وبررسي ويژگي هاي آميخته هاي پلي اتيلن سبك - نشاسته گرمانرم قسمت دوم رفتار جذب آب NULL 1392 10 Journal
تهيه و بررسي ويژگي هاي آميخته هاي پلي اتيلن سبك نشاسته گرمانرم قسمت اول اثر سازگار كننده PE-g-MA بر خواص مكانيكي و رفتار جريان NULL 1392 10 Journal
Interfacial improvement and mechanical properties of epoxy resin/ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibre composites compatibilized with glycidyl methacrylate NULL 1392 08 Journal
Effect of cross-linking time on the thermal and mechanical properties and pervaporation performance of poly(vinyl alcohol) membrane cross-linked with fumaric acid used for dehydration of isopropanol NULL 1391 10 Journal
مروري بر بازدارندگي شعله در رزين اپوكسي - قسمت اول ريز پركننده هاي تاخير انداز شعله NULL 1391 10 Journal
The effect of organo-modified montmorillonite on mechanical and barrier properties of linear low-density polyethylene/ low-density polyethylene blend films NULL 1391 10 Journal
Production of fermentable sugars by enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated waste textile 1391 08 Conference The 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference
INVESTIGATION OF GRAPHENE DISPERSION IN POLYPROPYLENE BY ADDING WAX-PE 1391 07 Conference 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science Technology
Preparation and Rheological Properties of Epoxy/ Carbon Nanotube Dispersions 1391 07 Conference 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science Technology
توليد قند قابل تخمير از پارچه هاي بازيافتي 1391 07 Conference چهاردهمين كنگره ملي مهندسي شيمي ايران
The Combined Effect of Carbon nanotubes Clay and Phosphorus Flame Retardants on Fire Resistance of Fiber-reinforced Epoxy Composites 1391 07 Conference 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science Technology
Investigation of electrical and rheological properties of EPDM/conductive carbon black composites 1391 07 Conference 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science Technology
Effect of corn starch content in thermoplastic starch/low-density polyethylene blends on their mechanical and flow properties NULL 1391 07 Journal
Synthesis and application of MDPE-g-GMA as reactive compatibilizer in blends of MDPE/PET and MDPE/PA6 NULL 1391 07 Journal
Effect of blending procedure on morphology of LDPE/LLDPE/PA blends 1391 07 Conference 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science Technology