
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Tailored Morphology in Polystyrene/Poly(lactic acid) Blend Particles: Solvent's Effect on Controlled Janus/Core-Shell Structures 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c02103 1402 07 Journal
Data-Driven Prediction of Janus/Core-Shell Morphology in Polymer Particles: A Machine-Learning Approach 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c03355 1401 12 Journal
Investigation the effect of processing condition and dispersed phase content on rheology-morphology relationship in polypropylene/polyethylene terephthalate microfibrillar composite 10.1002/pat.5936 1401 12 Journal
Rheology-morphology interrelationship in high-density polyethylene/polyamide-6 microfibrillar composites NULL 1400 08 Journal
مروري كوتاه بر اصلاح ميكروكپسول هاي پلي(اوره-فرمالدهيد) براي بهبود كارايي سامانه هاي كامپوزيتي خودترميمي NULL 1399 03 Journal
Environment-Friendly Antibiofouling Superhydrophobic Coatings NULL 1398 05 Journal
The effect of packing phase and mold temperature on the directional warpage of spherical lenses using the injection molding process 10.1007/s42452-019-0615-0 1398 02 Journal
Facile strategy toward developing a scalable, environmental friendly and self-cleaning superhydrophobic surface NULL 1396 12 Journal
بررسي كيفيت هندسي و نوري لنز كروي دوبر محدب توليدشده به روش تزريق پلاستيك NULL 1396 09 Journal
Melt linear viscoelastic rheological analysis to assess the microstructure of polyamide 6acrylonitrile butadiene styrene terpolymer immiscible blends via the application of fractional Zener and Coran models NULL 1396 08 Journal
Superhydrophobic surfaces made from naturally derived hydrophobic materials NULL 1396 08 Journal
Effect of Oxidized Starch on Morphology, Rheological and Tensile Properties of Low-Density Polyethylene/Linear Low-Density Polyethylene/Thermoplastic Oxidized Starch Blends NULL 1396 07 Journal
Morphology and rheological properties of compatibilized low density polyethylene/linear low density polyethylene/thermoplastic starch blends NULL 1396 01 Journal
Effect of drying method on the structure and porous texture of silica-polybutadiene hybrid gels: Supercritical vs. ambient pressure drying NULL 1395 12 Journal
بررسي ارتباط مورفولوژي-رئولوژي در كامپوزيت پلي اتيلن تقويت شده با ريزالياف پلي آميد 1395 11 Conference كنفرانس كاربرد كامپوزيت در صنايع ايران
High performance polymeric bipolar plate based on polypropylene/graphite/graphene/nano-carbon black composites for PEM fuel cells NULL 1395 09 Journal
Synthesis of silica-polybutadiene hybrid aerogels The effects of reaction conditions on physical and mechanical properties NULL 1395 08 Journal
Preparation and release study of Triclosan in polyethylene/Triclosan anti-bacterial blend NULL 1395 06 Journal
Preparation and characterization of hybrid aerogels from novolac and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene NULL 1395 06 Journal
Evaluation of interfacial properties of the silane blend sized glass fiber-epoxy composite by the microdroplet test 10.1177/0021998316661620 1395 05 Journal