
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effect of nanoclay on the properties of low density polyethylene/linear low density polyethylene/thermoplastic starch blend films # Journal
Interfacial shear strength characterization of GMA-grafted UHMWPE fiber/epoxy/nano clay hybrid nanocomposite materials # Journal
Surface functionalization of rubber latex nanoparticles with sulfidosilane moieties # Journal
Interfacial evaluation of epoxy/carbon nanofiber nanocomposite reinforced with glycidyl methacrylate treated UHMWPE fiber # Journal
Compatibilization effectiveness of maleated polypropylene compared to organoclay in PBT/PP blends # Journal
Effects of Chemical Surface Pretreatment on Tensile Properties of a Single Glass Fiber and the Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite # Journal
Morphology and rheological behavior of poly(butylene terephthalate)/ polypropylene blends filled by two types of organoclays # Journal
Preparation and investigation of mechanical and antibacterial properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/chitosan blend # Journal
Mechanical property characterization of carbon nanofiber/epoxy nanocomposites reinforced by GMA-grafted UHMWPE fibers # Journal
Study on ternary low density polyethylene/linear low density polyethylene/thermoplastic starch blend films # Journal
The Role of Hydrophilic Organoclay in Morphology Development of Poly (butylene terephthalate)/Polypropylene Blends # Journal
effect of organomodified montmorillonite concentration on tensil and flow properties of low-density polyethylene-thermoplastic corn starch blends # Journal
Effective conversion of waste polyester-cotton textile to ethanol and recovery of polyester by alkaline pretreatment # Journal
Effect of OMMTs on flame retardancy and thermal stability of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)/LDPE/magnesium hydroxide composites # Journal
Physico-mechanical properties of films of chitosan carboxymethyl chitosan and their blends # Journal
Combination effects of carbon nanotubes MMT and phosphorus flame retardant on fire and thermal resistance of fiber-reinforced epoxy composites # Journal
Flammability and thermal properties of epoxy/glass/MWNT Composites # Journal
تهيه و بررسي ويژگي هاي آميخته هاي پلي اتيلن سبك نشاسته گرمانرم قسمت اول اثر سازگار كننده PE-g-MA بر خواص مكانيكي و رفتار جريان # Journal
تهيه وبررسي ويژگي هاي آميخته هاي پلي اتيلن سبك - نشاسته گرمانرم قسمت دوم رفتار جذب آب # Journal
Interfacial improvement and mechanical properties of epoxy resin/ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibre composites compatibilized with glycidyl methacrylate # Journal