
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Fuel Consumption and Emission Reduction in a Hybrid Electric Bus Through Peak Power Management of the Auxiliary Power Unit 10.22068/ase.2023.650 1402 07 Journal
Analytical describing function of LuGre friction model 10.1007/s41315-021-00220-0 1400 10 Journal
Robotic Home-Based Rehabilitation Systems Design: From a Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework for Community-Based Remote Therapy During COVID-19 Pandemic 10.3389/frobt.2021.612331 1400 03 Journal
Manual guidance of manipulators: detection and control of intentional contacts without force sensors 10.1007/s40435-021-00812-5 1400 02 Journal
Influence of human operator on stability of haptic rendering: a closed-form equation 10.1007/s41315-020-00131-6 1399 02 Journal
Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis in Haptic Rendering 10.1007/s10846-019-01017-x 1398 10 Journal
كنترل فازي طول و مكان پنجره آينده نگري در رويكرد كنترل آينده نگر براي كاهش مصرف سوخت در حمل و نقل ريلي NULL 1397 10 Journal
Uncertainty quantification with hybrid alpha-cut 10.1007/s00500-018-3378-4 1397 05 Journal
Analytical stability criterion in haptic rendering the role of damping 10.1109/TMECH.2018.2797688 1396 10 Journal
تابع لياپانوفي جديد براي پايداري ربات لامسه اي در شبيه سازي اجسام مجازي NULL 1396 10 Journal
Design evolution and synthesis of multi-domain engineering systems using artificial immune system 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2016.08.007 1395 08 Journal
Energy management strategy for fuel cell battery vehicles based on fuzzy logic and dynamically focused learning method NULL 1395 04 Journal
Optimal semi-active control of seismically excited MR-equipped nonlinear buildings using FLC and multi-objective NSGAII algorithms considering ground excitations 10.1007/s13349-016-0174-7 1395 04 Journal
Optimal coupled and uncoupled fuzzy logic control for magnetorheological damper-equipped plan-asymmetric structural systems considering structural nonlinearities NULL 1395 03 Journal
Optimal coupled and uncoupled fuzzy logic control for magneto-rheological damper-equipped plan-asymmetric structural systems considering structural nonlinearities 10.1177/1077546316660030 1395 03 Journal
Optimal Semi-active Fuzzy Control of Seismically-excited MR-equipped Nonlinear Buildings using Multi-objective NSGAII Algorithm Considering Ground Excitations NULL 1395 01 Journal
بهينه سازي مصرف سوخت قطار ديزل-الكتريك با استفاده از كنترل فازي آينده نگر NULL 1395 01 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
نحوه ساده سازي ديناميك چند درجه آزادي ربات لامسه ا ي و تاثير آن بر روي پايداري 1400 06 Conference ششمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي مكانيك و هوافضا
به دست آوردن تابع توصيفي مدل اصطكاكي لوگره و بررسي تاثير آن روي پا يدا ري ربات لامسه اي 1400 06 Conference ششمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي مكانيك و هوافضا
طراحي كنترل PID تنظيم خودكار فازي براي ربات لامسه اي 1396 02 Conference بيست و پنجمين كنفرانس سالانه بين المللي مهندسي مكانيك ايران