In His Name, the Most High
AIUTMAN Humanoid Team
the work is in progress
- Rank2 in Middle Size Humanoid league in Robocup 2005, Osaka, Japan.
- Rank1 in Technical Chanllange Kid Size Humanoid league in IranOpen 2007, Tehran, Iran.
- Rank 3 in 3D Soccer Simulation Leagure in IranOpen 2017, Tehran, Iran.
- Rank 5 in 3D Soccer Simulation League in Robocup 2017, Nagoya, Japan.
- Rank 3 in Technical Challange of 3D Soccer Simulation Leagure in Robocup 2017, Nagoya, Japan.
- Rank 2 in 3D Soccer Simulation League in IranOpen 2018, Tehran, Iran.
- Rank 2 in 3D Soccer Simulation League i
Administrative works
- Head of Computer Group in the Department, 2002-2004.
- Head of Electronic and Open Learning Center of the university, 2010-2013.
- Founding member of National Iranian Robocup Commeettee.
- Head of Humanoid League in IranOpen Competitions, 2007-now
- Chairman of the 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP2017).
- Head of Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Group, 2021, -
Dr. Seyed Farzad Bahrainian
Dr. Mohamad Roshanzamir
Dr. Mohamad Mahdi Kassir
In His Name, the Most High
- Designing the Automation of CO2 Welding Line, 2003-2004.
- Designing a Simple Humanoid Robotics, 2003-2004.
- Using A Machine Learning Tool to Generate Adaptive Experiments, 2006.
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Communications Industry, 2008.
- Nao Motion Editor for 3D soccer simulation league, 2017 (With Mr. Izadi and Mr.
Writer Microsoft Words
ǎ OpenOffice Writer ( LibreOffice Writer Ubuntu) Microsoft Words
بسمه تعالي
دانشکدة مهندسي برق و کامپيوتر
دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان
کارگاه کامپيوتر
هفتة چهارم
ايجاد يک محيط مناسب براي استفاده از کامپيوتر،
آشنائي با تايپ کليدهاي شماره اي، و
ادامة آشنائي با نرم افزار آموزش تايپ و تايپ انگليسي