Mohammad Ehsan Masaeli | A procedure for damage-based seismic design of steel moment frame structures with torsional irregularity (Aug. 2024) |
Maryam Aghliani | Seismic Behavior and Performance of Pure Bending Yielding Dissipater under Combined In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loading (Sep. 2023) |
Amir Mohammad Gohari Anaraki | Seismic Behavior and Performance Evaluation of Steel Structures Equipped with a Pure Bending Yielding Damper System in Terms of Lateral Displacement and Residual Displacement, 2023 |
Masood Bahari | Seismic performance of mega-braced structures equipped with viscous dampers (Feb. 2023) |
Mojtaba Alaei | Seismic behavior of cylindrical ground tanks with dual concrete and elastic baffle system (Feb. 2022) |
Alireza Ahmadi | Seismic Behavior and Performance of Steel Structures Equipped with Pure Bending Yielding Dissipater (PBYD) (Nov. 2021) |
Seyyed Alireza Mohammadi Zarchi | Response modification of steel moment frame structures in the displacement-based design (Nov. 2021) |
Alireza Hadian | Ductility demands in high-rise structures of special moment resistance frame (SMRF) due to soil-structure-pile interaction (SSPI) (Oct. 2021) |
Ali HosseiniRad | Performance design of structures based on damage (Oct.2020) |
MohammadAli Moghim | Spectrum Analysis of Structures under Vibrations Due to Passing of Underground Trains on Curved Track (Aug.2020) |
Afsaneh Khosravi | Seismic Analysis and Design of Perforated Steel Shear Walls (Sep.2020) |
Sara KhanModarres | Using the middle connectionplate of the concentric braces as a seismic fuse (Sep.2020) |
Yousof MesrHabibi | Collapse Analysis of Torsional Moment Frame Structures Against Earthquake (Dec. 2020) |
Mohammad Ataei | Numerical analysis of the slit gusset plate damper using the finite element method, (Common student- Dec. 2020) |
Amir Hossein Shams Kahrizsangi | Performance and Nonlinear Response Comparison of Steel Moment Framework Buildings Designed by Displacement-Based and Force-Based Design Methods in Presence of Torsion (July 2019) |
Mohammadreza Akhondi | Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Damage of Steel Buildings Considering Soil- Structure Interaction Effect (July 2019) |
Maziar Panahi | Cyclic Nonlinear Analysis of Precast Concrete Structures with Steel Plate Shear Walls (April 2019) |
Masoud Shirzadi Dehkohne | Effects of nonlinear soil–structure interaction on distribution of seismic vulnerability in torsionally coupled steel structures (January 2019) |
Maede Beyki Milajerdi | Dynamic Analysis of Soil-Structural Interaction Using Optimized Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm (July 2018) |
Hossein Hajimehrabi | Developing of Fragility Curves for Baffled Concrete Cylindrical Liquid-Storage Tanks (July 2018) |
Saeed Arman | Enhancing Ductility of Cross- Braced Frames Using Steel Tube Rings as Seismic Fuses (June 2018) |
Pouria Sheikhbahaei | Dynamic Response of Cylindrical Water Storage Tanks Made by ECC Compared to Normal Concrete (June 2018) |
Mostafa Andalibi | Nan-classical Separated Dynamic Analysis of Connected Structures (June 2017) |
Mohammad Sabet Rasekh | Displacement Based Design of Torsional Building (June 2017) |
Reza Naseri | Numerical Study of Composite Shear Wall (Advisor- June 2017) |
Davood Farahani | Study on pounding in torsional adjacent buildings considering soil-structure interaction (June 2017) |
AmirAmin Yazdani | Spectral Analysis of Structures under Vibration due to Underground Passing Trains (May 2017) |
Mehdi Faraj Mohammadieh | Effects of Deep Excavation on Seismic Vulnerability )of Existing Steel Framed Structures with Parametric Analysis (Feb. 2017) |
Ehsan Jahanizadeh | Evaluating Behavior of Three-Dimensional Shear Walls Under Cyclic Loading by Providing a Macro Model (Feb. 2017) |
Hamid Abbasnia | Study of cyclic behavior of reinforced concrete interior connections and an equivalent numerical model for joints (January 2017) |
Mehdi Karimi | Evaluation and Enhancement of nonlinear static analysis with the drift pushover procedure for unsymmetric-plan tall buildings (January 2017) |
Mohammad Reza Bakhshy | Optimization of Length of Replaceable Link Beam in Eccentrically Braced Frame Based on the Level of Life Safety (Advisor- Winter 2016) |
Ehsan Mohammadi | Study of dynamic behavior of buried steel pipes at bend point under propagating waves (July 2016) |
Amir Hoseinpoor | Experimental Studies for Determining the Strength Reduction Factor and Bearing Capacity of Cold-formed Steel Frame with Light-weight Concrete-Filled Shear Walls (Advisor- July 2016) |
Milad Farahanchi Baradaran | Sesimic Design of Structures Based on ductility (June 2016) |
Sobhan AghaEsmaeili | Effect of steel middle ring on ductility of concentrically X-braced steel frames (Winter 2015) |
M. Fazilinezhad | Comparison of the seismic safety provided by the recent editions of ACI code based on FEMA P695 methodology (Fall 2015) |
Reza Soltanabadi | Evaluation and Enhancement of Steel Beam-to-Column Moment Connections using Visco-Plastic Dampers (VPD) (September 2015) |
Masoud Shafiei Varzaneh | The Effects of Opening on the Structural Behavior of Masonry Wall Subjected to Lateral Loading (July 2015) |
Morteza Heydari | Investigation of Nonlinear Static Behavior and Macro-Model for Nonlinear Analysis of 3D RC Shear Walls (May 2015) |
Asefeh Mardany | Structural identification using fuzzy modified wavelet neural network, (Advisor- 2015) |
Esmail Shakeri | A Survey on Effective Parameters on Shear Resistance of Steel Plate in Composite Shear Wall (Dec. 2014) |
Mohammad Sadegh Kazemi | Active Control of Structure and its Application in Seismic Design Based on Damage Control (Sep. 2014) |
Amir Naseri Dehkordi | Development of a shear-based nonlinear static procedure for seismic evaluation of structures (Sep. 2014) |
Seyyed Mohammad Mirhoseini | Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment and Braced Frames and Concrete Moment and Shear Wall Frames Considering Uplift and Soil-Structure Interaction (Sep. 2014) |
Hossein Dastan Mirak | Matching Standard 2800 and Regulations for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings Based on Response Modification Factor (July 2014) |
Meysam Banizadeh | Effect of soil structure interaction on seismic vulnerability of RC structures with shear wall and moment frames (Sep. 2014) |
MohammadMasood Poormasoud | A New Detail for Rubber Bearings in Seismic Isolated Structures (Fall 2014) |
Behzad Tavakkoli | Determining the Shear Distribution Pattern for the Nonlinear Static Analysis Based on Story Shear (Fall 2014) |
Saeid Hagholahi | The Collapse Prevention Performance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures Considering Soil–Structure Interaction (Fall 2014) |
Abolhasan Bani Sheikhol Eslami | Reduction of Dynamic Response of Steel Frames by Use of Moment Connections Equipped with Viscoelastic Dampers with Steel Cores (Fall 2014) |
Ali Akbarzadeh Jelodar | Torsion in Base-Isolated Structures with Elastometric Isolation Systems (Advisor- September 2014) |
Hossein Alibabaei | Determination of design spectra considering soil structure interaction (Sept. 2014) |
Mohamadreza Najar Khodabakhsh | Power Optimization of the Hybrid Test in Earthquake Engineering (Sep. 2014) |
Mohammad Yazdabad | Fragility Curves For Cylindrical Concrete Storage Tanks (Summer 2014) |
Iman Najjarzadegan | Developing and Assessing the Simultaneous Analysis and Testing Method for Enhancing the Accuracy of Dynamic Response of Structures (Summer 2014) |
Mohammad Sadegh Dorri | An Investigation on Various Methods of Modeling of Connection Between Steel Sheet and Surrounding Frame in Light Steel Plate Shear Wall Frame (Advisor- Winter 2014) |
Mehdi Talebi Velni | Selection and Modification of Ground Motions for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Structures (February 2014) |
Sayed Mehdi Taherian Ghahfarokhi | The drift pushover analysis procedure based on the relative displacement of stories for seismic evaluation of structures (February 2014) |
Azadeh Jafari | Flow-Induced Vibration of Sluice Gates Due to Different Hydraulic Conditions (January 2014) |
Bahareh Madani | Study on pounding between adjacent buildings considering soil-structure interaction and structure-soil-structure interaction (January 2014) |
Ali Fathollahi | Design Acceleration Spectrum Including Soil-Structure Interaction (March 2013) |
Ehsan Soleimani | |