Cadmium copper lead and zinc mobility in calcareous soil under wheat cultivation
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Effect of farmyard manure and tillage systems on soil physical properties and corn yield in central Iran
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Manganese Distribution and Patterns of Soil Wetting and Depletion in a Piedmont Hillslope
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Mulch and tillage effects on infiltration rates of a saline and leached clay soil
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soil compactibility as affected by soil moisture content and farmyard manure in central iran
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Runoff of two sulfonylurea herbicides in relation to tillage system and rainfall Intensity
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Influence of pyrolysis temperature on chemical and physical properties of sewage sludge biochar
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Symplastic and apoplastic root uptake and translocation to shoot of zinc in wheat and triticale as affected by exogenous amino acids
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Zinc biofortification of wheat through preceding crop
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Effect of precropping and residue incorporation into soil with low Zn availability on Zn accumulation by two wheat cultivars
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Modeling of Nitrate Leaching From a Potato Field Using HYDRUS-2D
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Role of Piriformospora indica in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) resistance to Cadmium Lead and Copper
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Effect of soil and foliar application of zinc on grain zinc and cadmium concentrations of wheat genotypes differing in Zn-efficiency
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Using Artificial Neural Network to Select Appropriate Agronomic Practices for Biofortification A Case Study in Iran
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Effects of Crop Residues on Zinc Bioavailability in Soil and in Wheat Grain
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Residues of Zinc-Hyperaccumulator Plants as Zn Fertilizer
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Zinc bioavailability of foods in arid agroecosystems - A case study in Iran
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Nickel and mercury human health risk assessment in Hamedan Province Iran
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Heavy metal concentration in greenhouse vegetables Risk for human health
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Zinc nutrition in Iranian population
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