
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Cadmium copper lead and zinc mobility in calcareous soil under wheat cultivation # Journal
Effect of farmyard manure and tillage systems on soil physical properties and corn yield in central Iran # Journal
Manganese Distribution and Patterns of Soil Wetting and Depletion in a Piedmont Hillslope # Journal
Mulch and tillage effects on infiltration rates of a saline and leached clay soil # Journal
soil compactibility as affected by soil moisture content and farmyard manure in central iran # Journal
Runoff of two sulfonylurea herbicides in relation to tillage system and rainfall Intensity # Journal
Influence of pyrolysis temperature on chemical and physical properties of sewage sludge biochar Conference
Symplastic and apoplastic root uptake and translocation to shoot of zinc in wheat and triticale as affected by exogenous amino acids Conference
Zinc biofortification of wheat through preceding crop Conference
Effect of precropping and residue incorporation into soil with low Zn availability on Zn accumulation by two wheat cultivars Conference
Modeling of Nitrate Leaching From a Potato Field Using HYDRUS-2D Conference
Role of Piriformospora indica in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) resistance to Cadmium Lead and Copper Conference
Effect of soil and foliar application of zinc on grain zinc and cadmium concentrations of wheat genotypes differing in Zn-efficiency Conference
Using Artificial Neural Network to Select Appropriate Agronomic Practices for Biofortification A Case Study in Iran Conference
Effects of Crop Residues on Zinc Bioavailability in Soil and in Wheat Grain Conference
Residues of Zinc-Hyperaccumulator Plants as Zn Fertilizer Conference
Zinc bioavailability of foods in arid agroecosystems - A case study in Iran Conference
Nickel and mercury human health risk assessment in Hamedan Province Iran Conference
Heavy metal concentration in greenhouse vegetables Risk for human health Conference
Zinc nutrition in Iranian population Conference