Cadmium Phytoextraction Efficiency by Sorgham biocolor and Helianthus annuus
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Effects of sewage sludge animal manure compost and cadmium chloride on cadmium accumulation in corn and alfalfa
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Phytoremediation of an aged petroleum contaminated soil using endophyte infected and non-infected grasses
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Effects of biosolids application on temporal variations in soil physical and unisaturated hydraulic properties
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Crop effects on lead fractionation in a soil treatd with lead organic and inorganic sources
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Use of EDTA and EDDS for enhanced zea mays phytoextraction of heavey metals from a contaminated soil
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Sorption hystersis of Cd(II) and Pb(II) on natural zeolite and bentonite
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Transport of zinc copper and lead in a sewage sludge amended calcareous soil
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Comparison of Natural Humic Substances and Synthetic Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and Nitrilotriacetic Acid as Washing Agents of a Heavy Metal Polluted Soil
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Estimation of nitrate concentration using fuzzy regression method and support vector machines
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Effect of Endophytic Fungi on Cadmium Tolerance and Bioaccumulation by Festuca arundinacea and Festuca pratensis
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Sorption of Lead on Iranian bentonite and zeolite kinetics and isotherms
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Nickel supplementation effect on the growth urease activity and urea and nitrate concentrations in lettuce supplied with different nitrogen sources
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The role of organic and inorganic fractions of cow manure and biosolids on lead sorption
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Application of SWAT Model to Investigate Nitrate Leaching in Hamadan-Bahar Watershed Iran
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Mobility and plant-availability of Cd(II) and Pb(II) adsorbed on zeolite and bentonite
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Micronutrient status of calcareous paddy soils and rice produts implication for human health
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Transport of Cd Cu Pb and Zn in a calcareous soil under wheat and safflower cultivation A column study
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Relationships between fruit mineral nutrients concentrations and some fruit quality attributes in greenhouse cucumber
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Bioaccumulation of Nickel and Lead by Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon) and Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) From two Contaminated Soils
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