
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Phytoavailability of Lead (Pb) for Corn and Sunflower as Affected by Pb-enriched Sewage Sludge and Cow Manure # Journal
Residual effects of biosolids and farm manure on speciation and plant uptake of heavy metals in a calcareous soil # Journal
Regional-scale fluxes of zinc copper and nickel into and out of the agricultural soils of the Kermanshah province in western Iran # Journal
Agronomic and economic efficiency of ground tire rubber and rubber ash used as zinc fertilizer sources for wheat 10.1080/01904167.2015.1109124 Journal
Opposite effects of two organic wastes on the physical quality of an agricultural soil # Journal
Extent and persistence of water repellency in two Iranian soils # Journal
Subcritical soil hydrophobicity in the presence of native and exotic arbuscular mycorrhizal species at different soil salinity levels 10.1080/03650340.2015.1051471 Journal
How do glycine and histidine in nutrient solution affect zinc uptake and root-to-shoot translocation by wheat and triticale 10.1071/CP14227 Journal
Characterization and Sodium Sorption Capacity of Biochar and Activated Carbon Prepared from Rice Husk # Journal
Effect of pyrolysis temperature on chemical and physical properties of sewage sludge biochar # Journal
Neotyphodium Endophyte Changes Phytoextraction of Zinc in Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne # Journal
Effect of Incorporation of Crops Residue into Soil on Some Chemical Properties of Soil and Bioavailability of Copper in Soil # Journal
Zinc fractions in soil and uptake by wheat as affected by different preceding crops # Journal
Effect of preceding crops and their residues on availability of zinc in a calcareous Zn-deficient soil # Journal
Wheat plants invest more in mycorrhizae and receive more benefits from under adverse than favorable soil conditions # Journal
Removal of Calcium and Magnesium by Activated Carbons Produced from Agricultural Wastes # Journal
Green Manure Addition to Soil Increases Grain Zinc Concentration in Bread Wheat # Journal
Lead Concentrations in the Around Soil sof Some Exit Highwaysin Ahwaz # Journal
Agricultural zinc fluxes into soils and crops of central Iran at regional scale # Journal