
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Biaxial Testing of Repaired Concrete # Journal
Alkali-activated slag concrete pavement with recycled asphalt aggregates Conference
thermal resistance of alkali activated slag concrete Conference
a numerical and analytical study on the damaged RC shear walls with openings retrofited by FRP sheets Conference
The effect of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles on physical and mechanical properties of normal concrete Conference
study of the effect of glass powder on the alkali-silica reaction in concrete Conference
An experimental study on mechanical properties of HPP fiber reinforced concrete Conference
An Experimental study on frost resistance of concrete pavement containing Nano-silica and polypropylene fibers Conference
Modal Pushover Analysis of Mass-Irregular Tall Concrete Frames Conference
influence of the type of bracing system on dynamic response of steel frames Conference
NULL Conference
Application of polypropylene fibers in pervious concrete pavement Conference
studying the bond between repair materials and concrete substrate Conference
seismic response of buildings with setback Conference
three Dimensional Finite Element Model for reinforced and Prestressed Concrete structures Conference
Creep and Shrinkage Effects in indeterminate Prestressed concrete Beams Conference
شبيه سازي عددي مشخصات هيدروليكي جريان در سرريزهاي سيفوني # Journal
بررسي آزمايشگاهي اثر مدول و غلظت محلول قليايي بر خصوصيات بتن قليا فعال سربارهاي # Journal
تاثير نسبت محلول قليايي به سرباره بر نفوذپذيري بتن قليافعال سرباره اي # Journal
بهبود كيفيت پساب فاضلاب شهري با استفاده از بتن متخلخل براي آبياري # Journal