Effects of the combined usage of micro and nano-silica on the drying shrinkage and compressive strength of the self-compacting concrete
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Performance of reinforced self-consolidating concrete beam-column joints with headed bars subjected to pseudo-static cyclic loading
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Application of alkali-activated slag in roller compacted concrete
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Void characteristics and mechanical strength of cementitious mortars containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes
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thermal strength of the alakali-activated slag concrete
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Evaluation of the effects of nanomaterials on durability of engineered cementitious composites exposed to the aggressive environment
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Influence of recycled concrete aggregates on alkali-activated slag mortar exposed to elevated temperatures
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The effect of the Blaine fineness on the mechanical properties of the alkali-activated slag cement
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the effect of curing period on residual strength of Portland cement mortar containing MWCNTs at elevated temperature
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A numerical study on the seismic behavior of a composite shear wall
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The effect of elevated temperature on the residual tensile strength and physical properties of the alkali-activated slag concrete
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The Effect of Alkali Concentration and Sodium Silicate Modulus on the Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
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Mechanical properties of Portland cement mortar containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes at elevated temperatures
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The Effects of Nano Particles on Freeze and Thaw Resistance of Alkali-activated Slag Concrete
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Mechanical Properties and Durability of Fiber Reinforced Alkali Activated Slag Concrete
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Treatment of urban storm water using adsorbent porous concrete
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The Effect of Alkaline Activator on Workability and Compressive Strength of Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
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The Effect of Alkaline Solution-to-Slag Ratio on Permeability of Alkali Activated Slag Concrete
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An Assessment on Parameters Affecting the Carbonation of Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
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A Numerical Study on Behavior of CFRP Strengthened Shear Wall with Opening
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