
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effects of micro and nanoparticles of SiO2 on the permeability of alkali activated slag concrete # Journal
The Effect of Silica Fume on Durability of Alkali Activated Slag Concrete # Journal
A comprehensive study on the concrete compressive strength estimation using artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system # Journal
The new proposed details for moment resisting connections of steel beam to continuous concrete column # Journal
Evaluation of concrete compressive strength using artificial neural network and multiple linear regression models # Journal
Reduction of Urban Storm-Runoff Pollution Using Porous Concrete Containing Iron Slag Adsorbent 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001025 Journal
Abrasion resistance of alkali-activated slag concrtete designed by Taguchi method # Journal
application of alkali-activated slag concrete in railway sleepers # Journal
Compressive strength and flexural strength of alkali-activated slag concrete designed by Taguchi method # Journal
Effect of nano-particles on frost durability of concrete # Journal
Application of high performance polypropylene fibers in concrete lining of water tunnels # Journal
Effect of nano-particles on durability of fiber-reinforced concrete pavement # Journal
The effects of nano-silica and nano-alumina on frost resistance of normal concrete # Journal
The effects of pozzolanic binders and polypropylene fibers on durability of SCC to magnesium sulfate attack # Journal
The effect of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles on physical and mechanical properties of normal concrete # Journal
FRP Strengthening of shear walls with openings # Journal
studying the effect of freeze and thaw cycles on bond strength of concrete repair materials # Journal
The effect of tension stiffening on the behaviour of R/C beams # Journal
The Bond Between Repair Materials and Concrete Substrate in Marine Environment # Journal
Analytical Formulation of the Biaxial Behavior of Concrete repair Materials # Journal