Buckling modes in I-beams by a complex finite strip method
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The use of bubble functions for local plate assemblies by the complex finites strip method
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Local buckling of I-sections bent about the minor axis
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Elastic local buckling of composite tee-beams with longitudinal stiffeners
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Design of transversely stiffened webs of l-beams
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Local buckling of I-section beams with longitudinal web stiffeners
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Inelastic initial local buckling of plates with and without residual stresses
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Buckling of FGM plates on elastic foundation based on 2D and quasi-3D shear deformation theories
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Free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic plates using a higher-order finite strip method
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Thermal buckling of FGM plates based on two variable refined plate theory using bubble finite strip method
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Buckling analysis of functionally graded plates based on two variable refined plate theory using the bubble finite strip method
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Nonlocal vibration analysis of rectangular single layered Graphene Sheets using finite strip method
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Buckling analysis of thin composite plates reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using finite strip methods (F.S.M)
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Buckling of thin composite plates reinforced with randomly oriented straight single-walled carbon nanotubes using B3-spline finite strip method
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Free vibration of moving laminated composite plates using the element-free Galerkin method
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Thermal buckling of functionally graded plates using the element-free Galerkin method
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A fully discretized finite strip formulation for analysis of viscoelalstic plates subjected to time depended loads
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Behaviour of viscoelalstic plates subjected to loading and unloading using a fully discretized finite strip method
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Golbal buckling of composite FRP cruciform section columns by the complex finite strip method
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