Principle stress behaviour of a steel plate shear wall concerning buckling modes
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Thermal Buckling Analysis of Thick Laminated Comosite Plates Using Complex Finite Strip Method
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Dynamic Stiffness Analysis of Orthotropic Plates moving on some rollers and an elastic foundation
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Vibration of Laminated Composite Plates traveling over multiple rollers
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Static and Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Plates by the Finite Element Method
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Post Local Buckling of Skew and Trapzoidal Plates
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Local buckling analysis of thick anisotropic plates using the complex finite strip
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The differential quadrature method for stability analysis of steel plates of general shape
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Elastic local buckling of I-section beams under shear bending
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Microstructural Characterization of 7075 High Strength Aluminum Alloy
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The Galerkin Method for Dynamic Analysis of Plates of General Shape
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Dynamic displacement analysis of embankment dams using the finite element method
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Load buckling of laminated plates using the spline finite strip method
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Bubble functions and the stability of plates with different boundary conditions
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Local and post local buckling of cold formed steel trough girders
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Inelastic local buckling analysis of plates using bubble function
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Local buckling of I-section beams under pure shear
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مروري بر روش هاي محاسبه انتگرال هاي درون دامنه در روش المان هاي مرزي
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تحليل ارتعاش آزاد ورق هاي ساندويچي با هسته حاوي سيال ويسكوالاستيك مغناطيسي با استفاده از روش نوار محدود اسپلاين
10.24200/j30.2019.53084.2528 |
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تحليل كمانش حرارتي نانوورقهاي گرافيني بر اساس تئوري جفت تنش اصلاح شده با استفاده از روش نوار محدود و تئوري اصلاح شده دو متغيره
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