
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Principle stress behaviour of a steel plate shear wall concerning buckling modes Conference
Thermal Buckling Analysis of Thick Laminated Comosite Plates Using Complex Finite Strip Method Conference
Dynamic Stiffness Analysis of Orthotropic Plates moving on some rollers and an elastic foundation Conference
Vibration of Laminated Composite Plates traveling over multiple rollers Conference
Static and Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Plates by the Finite Element Method Conference
Post Local Buckling of Skew and Trapzoidal Plates Conference
Local buckling analysis of thick anisotropic plates using the complex finite strip Conference
The differential quadrature method for stability analysis of steel plates of general shape Conference
Elastic local buckling of I-section beams under shear bending Conference
Microstructural Characterization of 7075 High Strength Aluminum Alloy Conference
The Galerkin Method for Dynamic Analysis of Plates of General Shape Conference
Dynamic displacement analysis of embankment dams using the finite element method Conference
Load buckling of laminated plates using the spline finite strip method Conference
Bubble functions and the stability of plates with different boundary conditions Conference
Local and post local buckling of cold formed steel trough girders Conference
Inelastic local buckling analysis of plates using bubble function Conference
Local buckling of I-section beams under pure shear Conference
مروري بر روش هاي محاسبه انتگرال هاي درون دامنه در روش المان هاي مرزي # Journal
تحليل ارتعاش آزاد ورق هاي ساندويچي با هسته حاوي سيال ويسكوالاستيك مغناطيسي با استفاده از روش نوار محدود اسپلاين 10.24200/j30.2019.53084.2528 Journal
تحليل كمانش حرارتي نانوورقهاي گرافيني بر اساس تئوري جفت تنش اصلاح شده با استفاده از روش نوار محدود و تئوري اصلاح شده دو متغيره # Journal