A Coupled Improved Element Free Galerkin-Finite Strip (IEFG-FS) Merhod for Free Vibration Analysis of Plate
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Experimental study of a new pure bending yielding dissipater
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A novel formulation for static and buckling analysis of plates using coupled element free Galerkin-finite strip (EFG-FS)
10.1016/j.apm.2019.01.019 |
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Numerical solution of scalar wave equation by the modified radial integration boundary element method
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Static and dynamic analysis of corrugated-core sandwich plates using finite strip method
10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.12.102 |
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Stability of stiffened cruciform steel columns under shear and compression by the complex finite strip method
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Large deformation analysis of moderately thick viscoelastic plates
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Stability analysis of the thin plates with arbitrary shapes subjected to non-uniform stress fields using boundary element and radial integration methods
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Elastic and inelastic buckling of square and skew FGM plates with cutout resting on elastic foundation using isoparametric spline finite strip method
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Free vibration and buckling analysis of thin plates subjected to high gradients stresses using the combination of finite strip and boundary element methods
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Thermal buckling analysis of point-supported laminated composite plates in unilateral contact
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Bending Analysis of Moderately Thick Arbitrarily Shaped Plates with Point Supports Using Simple Hp Cloud Method
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Elastic and Inelastic Buckling Analysis of Thick Isotropic and Laminated Plates Using Finite Layer Method
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Stability analysis of arbitrarily shaped moderately thick viscoelastic plates using LaplaceCarson transformation and a simple hp cloud method
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Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates based on Two-Variable Refined Plate Theory using the Bubble Finite Strip Method
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Buckling of moderately thick arbitrarily shaped plates with intermediate point supports using a simple hp-cloud method
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Buckling and free vibration of the FGM thin micro-plate based on the modified strain gradient theory and the spline finite strip method
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Geometrically nonlinear analysis of thick orthotropic plates with various geometries using simple HP-cloud method
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Nonlocal buckling and vibration analysis of thick rectangular nanoplates using finite strip method based on refined plate theory
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Free Vibration of Plates of Various Shapes with Intermediate Point Supports by the Hp-Cloud Method and Lagrange Multiplier
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