Grade: Graduated
Thesis Title (In Persian):
بررسي اثر سينبيوتيكي پلي ساكاريد استخراج شده از گياه بومي خوشاريزه و لاكتوباسيلوس پلانتاروم PTCC1896 در شرايط برون تني و اثر آن در ارتقاي سيستم ايمني به صورت درون تني در موش آزمايشگاهي
Thesis Title (In English):
Investigating the synbiotic effect of the polysaccharide extracted from the native plant Khoshareze and Lactobacillus plantarum PTCC1896 in ex vivo conditions and its effect in improving the immune system in vivo in laboratory mice.
Supervisors: Dr. S. Soleimanian-Zad and Sh. Ahmadi