Operating Systems

This class introduces the basic facilities provided in modern operating systems. The course divides into two major sections. The first part of the course discusses concurrency: how to manage multiple tasks that execute at the same time and share resources. Topics in this section include processes and threads, context switching, synchronization, scheduling, and deadlock. The second part of the course addresses the problem of memory management; it will cover topics such as linking, dynamic memory allocation, dynamic address translation, virtual memory, and demand paging.

Refrence: Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Fifth Edition


Last Lecture Video

Lecture Document

Attachment Size
nomarat.pdf 14.78 KB
question_1.pdf 95.55 KB
question_2_0.pdf 20.38 KB
question_3-4.pdf 35.01 KB
question_5.pdf 271.9 KB
tmryn_fsl_6.pdf 202.08 KB
tmryn_fsl_9.pdf 237.53 KB
tmrynt_fsl_7_w_8.pdf 175.39 KB