Title | DOI | Year | Month | type |
A New Approach to Orphan Blocks in the Nakamoto Consensus Blockchain | - | 1402 | 01 | Journal |
A Graph-based Online Feature Selection to Improve Detection of New Attacks. | - | 1401 | 04 | Journal |
Lagrangian Cooperation (LC): A Fog Node Cooperation Algorithm for Smart Cities | 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3168500 | 1401 | 04 | Journal |
Node cooperation for workload offloading in a fog computing network via multi-objective optimization | - | 1401 | 03 | Journal |
ITL-IDS: Incremental Transfer Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems | - | 1400 | 07 | Journal |
TGSM: Towards trustworthy group-based service management for social IoT | - | 1399 | 12 | Journal |
Shortest Path Computation in a Network with Multiple Destinations | - | 1398 | 11 | Journal |
Title | DOI | Year | Month | type | Conference Title |
Using the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm in collaboration with the fog nodes in the Internet of Things three-layer architecture | 1400 | 02 | Conference | 29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) | |
Using the cuckoo algorithm to optimizing the response time and energy consumption cost of fog nodes by considering collaboration in the fog layer | 1400 | 02 | Conference | پنجمين كنفرانس بين المللي اينترنت اشيا و كاربردهاي آن | |
Enhancing Users' Quality of Experienced with Minimum Energy Consumption by Fog Nodes Cooperation in Internet of Things | 1399 | 03 | Conference | بيست و هشتمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي برق ايران |
Name and Family | Degree | |
مسعود پورفرزاد | msc | |
پردیس غیبی | msc | |
باقر محمدزاده موسیکلایه | msc | |
پرهام دری | Ph.D. | |
علیرضا کتانی | msc | |
امیرحسین عباس پور | msc | |
سیدمهران رضوی مظفرمقدم | msc |