
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
A discrete intelligent classification methodology NULL 1401 10 Journal
The linear-nonlinear data preprocessing based hybrid (LNDH) models for wind power forecasting NULL 1401 05 Journal
Analysis of effective factors on gas leakage of polyethylene pipes for the intelligent forecasting of leakage degree NULL 1401 03 Journal
به كارگيري روشي مبتني بر گراف براي شناسايي نقاط عطف بهينه سري زماني مالي NULL 1401 03 Journal
Hybridization of hybrid structures for time series forecasting: a review NULL 1401 02 Journal
A novel reliability based regression model to analyze and forecast the severity of COVID?19 patients NULL 1401 02 Journal
A novel reliability-based regression model to analyze and forecast the severity of COVID-19 patients NULL 1401 02 Journal
Determination of the Safety Stock for Intermittent Demand: the Grey and Hybrid Theories NULL 1400 12 Journal
A binary integer programming (BIP) model for optimal financial turning points detection NULL 1400 11 Journal
Series Hybridization of Parallel (SHOP) models for time series forecasting NULL 1400 11 Journal
A novel class of reliability-based parallel hybridization (RPH) models for time series forecasting NULL 1400 11 Journal
A Novel Parallel Hybrid Model Based on Series Hybrid Models of ARIMA and ANN Models NULL 1400 10 Journal
شناسايي استراتژي معامالتي بهينه در بورس اوراق بهادار،با استفاده از برنامه ريزي پويا NULL 1400 10 Journal
A fuzzy series-parallel preprocessing (FSPP) based hybrid model for wind forecasting NULL 1400 10 Journal
A novel reliability-based regression model for medical modeling and forecasting NULL 1400 07 Journal
Etemadi Fuzzy Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average models for uncertain modeling and forecasting NULL 1400 07 Journal
Generalized support vector machines (GSVMs) model for real-world time series forecasting NULL 1400 06 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
پيش بيني وخامت بيماري كوويد-19با استفاده از يك مدل هوش مصنوعي فازي 1400 08 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي صنايع
ارائه مدلي مبتني بر برنامه ريزي پويا، به منظور بهينه سازي فرآيند شناسايي سيستم معاملات اوراق بهادار 1400 08 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي صنايع
شناسايي نقاط عطف بهينه سري زماني مالي با استفاده از شمارش كامل 1400 07 Conference چهاردهمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن ايراني تحقيق در عمليات